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Veteran Driver V
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Community Answers

  1. JonathanGJM's post in minimal adviser interface for ATS & ETS2 allowed? was marked as the answer   
    This is allowed, as it doesn't change the hitbox or engine output etc.
    But I'm not sure if this will work with MP, since mods are disabled on TMP and I'm pretty sure that you can't make this work by so called "Auto Saving".
    It also might be a good idea to read Paragraph 3 of the rules. You can do that by clicking here.
    Kind Regards,
  2. JonathanGJM's post in When i done job it always says Late and then i have no jobs was marked as the answer   
    Hello there,
    Do you have your own truck? If not, that could be your issue
    Kind regards,
  3. JonathanGJM's post in steering-wheel compatible in multiplayer was marked as the answer   
    Hello @LE GAMER 64
    This is compatible and legal. Please take a look at this topic before modifying your truck by so called "save-editing"
    Kind regards,
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