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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Kamusel

  • Birthday 05/06/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    United Kingdom, Avon
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Hamburg

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  1. Happy birthday ! :HaulieLove:

  2. Happy birthday. I hope have a good years!  🎂🥳🎉

  3. Happy Birthday once again bud! Hope you have a good day :P

  4. Happy bday mate!

  5. Happy bday mate! have a goodun. 

  6. ATS updated you will need to wait till the devs update/fix mp
  7. not suuuch a bad idea, but i guess as said above the red text could come back. But make it optional so people can turn it on or off with a command or settings maybe so optional ban spam . also have it so that the admin can turn it off their end if they don't want the bans broadcasted over the server. not sure
  8. To the people that spawn in the middle of a highway. i will find you and i will steal your tires.. lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Guest
    3. Kamusel


      yay free wrench

    4. FirestarteR93


      ^so that's why you can't drive - your tires stay away from you?

  9. Perfect mod concept for dealing with blockers: http://youtu.be/3Be0wRWHJTA

  10. You have to untick "seasonal effects" in the multiplayer mod's settings .
  11. Happy new year all from the uk! :).



      Happy new year! Best wishes from Republic of Turkiye!

    2. killahakan36


      Happy new year to you too :D

    3. killahakan36


      Saraj Turkiye değil Turkey abi :D:D

  12. -1 Trouble is its better people not knowing which admin is online, since trolls and rammer's will just wait till there is no admin and start, well.. trolling . Also it could end up with the admin getting spammed with a load of messages if he/she wasn't able to get to your report yet because they dealing with others.
  13. Finished first day of new job :3. Feet/legs are killing me lol

    1. stilldre1976


      Haha dont worry bud it gets easier and wait til you get your first pay packet :)

    2. Kamusel
  14. I don't think it would be a good idea. Specially if people clearly can't get them selfs out the way, spending time putting that sign up and just sitting there instead of just pressing f7 it is a bad idea. But if you can get out of the way then it may help for people to see far away, but then again you should be paying attention to the road for accidents instead of having to see a giant yellow sign lol
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