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Veteran Driver IV
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About Timestalkers

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  1. I've been trying for a few days to download the up-date but it only gets so far before saying it's timed out and failed.
  2. Maybe the people who put the game together will look at redesigning that part of the map one day. I wouldn't think when they made the game they had MP in mind, so traffic wouldn't had been an issue.
  3. I'm sorry I don't know what you mean. This is the first time I've posted on here today let alone start a topic. I just wrote on here and pressed post, I didn't do anything to a format nor do I know how. lol Please explain so I know for the future.
  4. Hi StuartD I can understand where you are coming from but I feel that this would be only for a short time and depending on how the admins decide on the skills and actions of the person and when they upgrade him/her. It shouldn't be to long before you have a server of real players on a busy server like EU1 is now. In the end I feel it will lead to a more fun experience and if there are accidents in the game then that's what it is and not a fool trying to make trouble.
  5. Suggestion name A server for real players Suggestion Description It's a shame there seems to be many people playing the game with the one aim of trying to ruin it for others. The admins do a very good job in trying to kick/ban them but there is a limit for what they can do. I have an idea which I'm unsure if it's doable or not but over time each driver if they play well and within the rules are awarded a star or points and after reaching a level set by the admins, they can use a new server just for those people who play for the fun of it and act respectfully to others. Why it should be added? This would very likely mean the losers who try to ruin it are kept away from real players and can be as now banned when the admin know of them on the current EU1 and such like servers, but it keeps the game as it should be fun for real players.
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