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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About ManoDelta

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    Portuguese, English

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  1. Thanks Guys. Autobots roll out
  2. Research answered, I hope that our suggestions will help improve truckersmp. Good game and drive safe.
  3. Congratulations for 5 years to all TruckersMP staff and players. I remember the first open beta in 2014 (ETS2MP), so fun be part of this.
  4. Another great convoy, sorry I do not have the dlc to participate, have fun for me guys.
  5. Very nice, I'll try to participate.
  6. Thank you for the quick update, lets run.
  7. I will try to participate, but thanks to bring another convoy to ATS-MP.
  8. Happy New Year to everyone, Hope we have more good drivers and less bad drivers on the roads.
  9. Thanks TMP team for the winter update.
  10. Voted , Hope ETS2 win.
  11. Thank you SCS for this event and for the gifts.
  12. Thank you for one more convoy, I'll be there
  13. Thak You SCS for this update, and keep working on ETS2 and ATS because we loved it.
  14. Thank You TruckersMP team for this update, start your engine is time to delivery.
  15. Detours, the best feature ever.
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