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Veteran Driver VII
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About Chriszx9

  • Birthday 07/06/1994

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  • EU Garage Location
    Luxembourg: Luxembourg

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  1. Guest

    Good morning, how are you doing ? 👋🏼

    I wish you a happy birthday ! 🎂


    Have a nice day ! 😄

    See you soon ! 😉
    /:\ Octopi /:\ 🙂



    téléchargement (4).jpg

  2. Happy Birthday! 

  3. +1 From me, plus the fact that we should have a team dedicated to online reports only. It is a fact, that this community has grown, (and it will keep growing). At some point the IGAs won't be able to take the reports. They are humans too, and dealing with multiple reports at the same time would be impossible. (If my memory is correct, the reports would last like 10 minutes, before being deleted, right?). So, I support the idea that, instead of being deleted after some time, those recordings / reports, should be stored for a further treatment. I've gotta say that a lot of people are having troubles finding a software which allows them to record their screens, therefore, as we all know, with no evidence, the reports are useless. Regarding to the available options, I believe all these videos could be uploaded to YT? I believe the media team could assist in this matter.
  4. Well, some events were made, and had prizes (Like DLCs, and stuff.) But those are made by companies. I can't tell if those include drivers competitions. Anyways, those things depend entirely on companies' will and possibilities. As the previous comments said, the server could cost money (Though, I've seen some spare ones [used only in raaare circumstances, like over-population], and heard about a experimental one). And the money received via donations, are used for the servers' maintenance. Staff members don't get a dime.
  5. Nah, no es Speedhack. Los speedhack se ven algo asi: http://plays.tv/video/565381f6bc42afa613/john-cena-speedhack-and-ramming?from=user La potencia máxima del Magnum, es de unos 560... Mientras que otros camiones, como el Volvo, o el Scania, alcanzan los 750, o 730 respectivamente. El tonelaje de tu carga también influye. Mayor peso, más lento vas. Me alegra encontrar alguien más que maneje un Magnum Como premio, te dejo este mod, 100% compatible con el MP, y 100% legal: Un Magnum con motor de 750, y una transmisión de Mercedes (Con 4 reversas!!). ¡Que lo disfrutes! http://mods.wotmp.com/mod/reanult-magnum-750-hp.html P.D: Para descargarlo, presiona click derecho sobre el botón naranja a la izquierda (Modu Indir) "Guardar enlace como..." y guardalo en el escritorio asi como está. Una vez descargado, lo copias y lo pegas en la carpeta "Mods" Ubicada en "Mis documentos" < "Euro Truck Simulator 2". ¡Ah! No te olvides de activarlo en el "Gestor de mods" al iniciar el juego!
  6. Para que tu reporte sea aceptado: Asegurate de que haber conseguido evidencia de la infracción. Encuadra bien a la infracción (Está permitido copiar la regla violada). Es recomendable que lo hagas en un idioma que lo entienda el admin. (Si lo puedes hacer en inglés, mejor. Si no, quédate con el español) Finalmente, un párrafo que casi nadie lee, dice algo así como "Los admins se reservan el derecho de kickear / banearte a su discreción". Como dijo Mariio, el admin puso una razón para rechazar tu reporte. Si crees que es válida, o tienes otro problema, puedes contactar con Clarkinator, o Vodka
  7. Well, that would bring a lot of problems: Let's just say that you hypothetically tipped over your truck, and someone is coming behind. How is the incoming truck going to know where you are going to be spawned? Ok, let's just spawn you in the middle of the road. A temporary NCZ could avoid this. Unfortunately, those are hard to code, and they can be only added to specific places (Like ports, garages, workshops, etc) I believe that saving / loading in safe places would be the best solution Pull over to a side of the road (Where no one should be coming) and load / save. Or simply press F7+Enter. You'll be spawned in a workshop, a safe place - And you could also repair your damaged truck in the process! Sorry, but I'm not with you in this one -1
  8. ^ As Noraf said, quicksaves and screen-recording softwares are your best allies. But please, before you decide to save / load do it in a safe place, like a NCZ (No collisions zone). Or you'll end up appearing in the middle of the road, and some fellow trucker may have an accident while your truck is loading. Also, don't forget to create a report here Those reports have a 100% guarantee: An admin WILL read them, and punish the perpetrator. But you'll need evidence, and his ID. (You can find it in your documents folder > ETS2MP > Logs > Log_spawn_(date). I'd reccomend you using this software to record your screen. Hope this helps you!
  9. ^ That's affirmative Pannic12 The problem was solved. it was a virus that didn't allow him to install the MP mod, it was solved by formatting.
  10. ^ Como dijo Mariio, copia y pega tu dirección. Es un error muy común que el símbolo "@" no pueda escribirse
  11. Oh, but we already have it! It's called "Single Player" Now, being serious: Have you read the "Frequently suggested things" post? You will find this on it: Add server in region *: Give us a reason why, show us that there is a community that will use it, if you can't, then no. Adding a new server would cost money, and making a server without rules? I'm afraid to say that I don't see it as something that the whole community could use, sorry. It's a -1 for me.
  12. Dear Zeus: You should be acknowledged of these rules. If you violate them, you'll get a sanction (Kick, or ban). If you see someone breaking the rules, you may report them in-game. But that won't guarantee that YOUR report will be dealt with immediately. You could also skip step 2. Use a screen-recording software. After stopping in a safe place, a Non-Collisions Zone, you may report the players over here Keep in mind that you will need evidence to report them. If you had troubles, contact support. Last, but not less important: You are forbidden to create threads or posts: That contain any aggressive behaviour. That attack other users. That doesn't concern you (e.g. in Ban Appealing...) Back to the topic... I've got a question too: With the previous system, if you were perma-banned, you could ask for a "new last chance" by contacting the higher authorities. Is this going to be possible?
  13. ^ Es verdad, las resoluciones de las apelaciones pueden demorar desde una semana hasta 15 días. Deberás ser paciente, esperar, y revisar cada tanto. (Aunque era más fácil seguir las reglas, no?)
  14. Para empezar, te recomendaría asegurarte de que tu ETS 2 tenga la última versión. Esto se verifica en Steam, vas a "Biblioteca"; haces click derecho sobre el ETS 2 y presiona "Propiedades". En esa ventana, presiona "Betas" y asegúrate de que esté en "Ninguna" en el cuadro de dialógo. Ahora, vuelve a descargar el Multiplayer. Si te admite algún mod, aségurate de que sea el "Winter Mod" PERO tardará más la descarga. El Winter Mod NO ES NECESARIO para poder jugar al Multiplayer, pero te dará un "paisaje nevado". Si no lo instalas, verás todo como siempre, verde primaveral. Yo a ese lo tengo desactivado. Espero que te sirva! Y si es posible, sube capturas para poder ayudarte mejor.
  15. Gente, las reglas respecto a los nombres son las siguientes (con sus correspondientes traducciones) Username - Kick / Ban Updated Having inappropriate usernames including those with insults, any with no text, any with swearing in them, names matching administration, law enforcement organizations or anything similar. Nombres de Usuarios - Kick / Ban. Tener nombres de usuarios inapropiados, incluyendo aquellos con insultos, cualquiera sin texto, cualquier tipo de "maldición", nombres que se asemejen a los de la administración, organizaciones de aplicación de la ley, o similares. Political Usernames - Kick / Ban Using names similar to any current living or deceased political leader or anything similar. Nombres de usuarios políticos - Kick / Ban. Usar nombres similares a cualquiera (Vivo o muerto) de líderes políticos, o similares. Tags in username - Kick / Ban It is forbidden to add "Forum Mod", "TS3 Admin" or similar tags to your nickname, which could suggest you're an official ETS2MP Team member or anything similar. "Tags" (Etiquetas) en los nombres de usuario - Kick / Ban. Está prohibido añadir "Forum Mod" (Moderador de Foro), "TS3 Admin" o Tags similares a tu nick, que puedan sugerir que eres un Miembro Oficial del ETS 2 MP, o algo similar.
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