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Veteran Driver VII
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About ForestProducts

  • Birthday 03/04/2003

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris
  • Known languages
    English Français

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  1. Just bought ats and play a bit I am starting to like it and I am now happy I got ets2 and ats

  2. Anyone playing ets2 single player? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ForestProducts


      Lol that's what I was doing last night as well lol

    3. Leo35


      hahahah :) Scania RJL one

    4. Shovali


      I think it's quite boring to play with virtual characters, but each in his opinion :)

  3. Now I am just waiting for my router and then should be fine hope it all goes as planned...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ForestProducts


      what do you mean


    3. Shovali


      i can understand you ,promblems with my keyboard :lol: 

    4. ForestProducts


      oh lol i thought you meant u hacked my pc cam

  4. TrademarkGamer how do I apply for staff?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Subtle [HKG]

      Subtle [HKG]

      wait until the supporter/moderator recruitment starts and you can apply for that.

    3. ForestProducts


      Ok, I was just wondering so when I want to apply I can.

    4. El1teZombiezHD


      why you asking trademark ;) You need to wait for applications to open.



  5. @PC.BreadStick there is no satellite Internet for where I live

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SgtBreadStick


      No satellite is for people with no fibreoptics so you might be ok for it

    3. ForestProducts


      @PC.BreadStick i checked and my parents said they might switch

    4. SgtBreadStick
  6. Yes but didn't work and would just freeze up
  7. Ok my ets2mp shortcut has been really buggy lately and when the game starts my screen just goes black and have to turn off my computer every time I want to play but won't let me. If there is a way to fix this please let me know.
  8. Ok my ets2mp shortcut has been really buggy lately and when the game starts my screen just goes black and have to turn off my computer every time I want to play but won't let me. If there is a way to fix this please let me know.
  9. Ok my ets2mp shortcut has been really buggy lately and when the game starts my screen just goes black and have to turn off my computer every time I want to play but won't let me. If there is a way to fix this please let me know.
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