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Veteran Driver VII
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About [UHH-2]Darren

  • Birthday 02/03/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Diego
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Edinburgh

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    UHH - United Heavy Haulers

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14960 profile views

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  1. any news on the DAF facelift UK interior? is it still crashing due to CB or what ?
  2. ATS mp servers are offline, is there currently ongoing maintenance happening?

    1. Guest


      You are correct! Please wait for the servers to come back online!


      Sorry For Any Inconvenience :)

    2. [UHH-2]Darren


      thanks Horizon :) 

  3. i had a feeling CB would be changed to X Thank you dev team, Lets Get Trucking again
  4. the latest updates are released, just waiting for TMP
  5. absolutly love these screenshots i took :D







    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      those are great :) 

    3. [UHH-2]Darren


      @Kravaty couldn't have been me then, my scania' are silver on mp. and thanks @Mirko9 :) i actually drive one of these MAN for work also but the real thing is a piece of crap haha... and thank you to everyone else for liking the pics and kind compliments :)

  6. TMP busy with reports again? lol the last few reports i made were reviewed within 24 hours, my latest was posted on the 23rd, still not reviewed :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StatelyMouse


      Yeah They do the reports when they can as far as i know its voluntary whether they do it or not.

    3. [UHH-2]Darren


      ah ok, that's fair enough. 

    4. StatelyMouse


      Yeah just saying lad ok.

  7. YEEEESSSS! thanks admins & dev team and thanks Anriandor
  8. correct me if i'm wrong, is the trailer DLC compatible now??? as a pop up appeared on the Launcher and i launched ETS2 before completely reading the pop up because i'm simply a muppet
  9. @aquasky this is not where you should be asking the question, please refer to the appropriate thread which is located where patch updates are displayed. how ever, the Michelin DLC does work on mp, it is not synced with other players though and the paintjobs will result in automatic kick from any server. the tires and other accessories are fine to use
  10. ^^^^ there has been some ping issues in EU2 for ets2 so i think the admins and dev team are trying to solve it. my ping and also my friends ping is usually 30-40ms but recently on EU2 we're over 80 with ping spikes to 170
  11. Happy New Year to everyone in the Truckers MP :)

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. Mirko9


      Man euro 6 <3 ,Happy new year ;) 

  12. it depends on where you are. although it is the same price as Scandanavia
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