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Samiz [FIN]

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. Samiz [FIN]'s post in kicked because off the Dragon Truck Design DLC ?? was marked as the answer   
    Dragon DLC is supported, I have myself tested that. In picture I see you have trailer waiting in company and I think you have Schwarzmüller Trailer Pack DLC installed which is not supported. Disable Schwarzmuller DLC in Steam.
  2. Samiz [FIN]'s post in I cant set my tempomat ( or drive ) above 90km/h was marked as the answer   
    "External Contract" (World of Trucks) jobs are limited to 90 km/h, If u take "Freight market" jobs, these not have speed limit.
  3. Samiz [FIN]'s post in I can't take jobs in the External Contracts in multiplayer was marked as the answer   
    I think you take this job when there was bug in mp with these jobs (u lost your trailer straight after taking External Contract) You can cancel it from your World of Trucks profile. After that you can take new External Contract
    1. Login to World of trucks site and open your profile, then press that i icon on your profile

    2. Press "ABANDON", after that u can take new External Contract

  4. Samiz [FIN]'s post in i can't get on ATS online was marked as the answer   
    Your Steam profile is still private, set it to public then try again  
  5. Samiz [FIN]'s post in ets2mp wont download was marked as the answer   
    I think Windows try say you dont have any program to open .zip files (or program not association to open these files, or association is corrupted, or Windows unzip isnt work). This is very common problem. Try install WinRAR (i use that) or WinZip and say if it works.
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