Jadenn's Achievements
Jadenn changed their profile photo
I believe this post was created before such templates existed. I'm unsure why everyone decided to revive this age old thread, but considering the developers never commented on it it's safe to say this suggestion won't happen soon, if at all. This thread could probably be closed.
I thought i had already posted about this but I can't seem to find the post. My post is in the proper format. Most people seem to believe that every post must be *exactly* like that, however as the forum post about it says, they are just examples. Posts must at the very least *include* the points in bold. Additionally, I will interpret images as being optional, as they are not really appropriate here. Otherwise this thread contains an informative name, an in-depth description, as well as an explanation as to why it should be added: Exactly this. I do not intend to take issue with positive comments in general, however the one character thumbs up, or one word agreement is highly detrimental. I've only done precursory scans around this forum in particular and have found hundreds of these useless posts. I'm sure there are many more in the other sections.
The suggestion is in bold (and covered in the third paragraph) , additionally I have included the required details you have listed. I have extensively covered why i have suggested it. I do not believe pictures would be applicable to this. Then you have misunderstood *what* i have suggested. I have read those threads in question and they are not related. Currently there have been no suggestions regarding the operational implementation of cars. I do see some fine points about the variety of available vehicles.
Well the forum already has an upvote feature, and it also lists who has upvoted that specific post, so that may not be necessary. And as @Joao Rodrigues pointed out, disagreement should always have an explanation anyways.
Generally if you agree with suggestions laid out in a topic, you agree for the same reasons as the poster of said topic has already stated. But yes if you agree for different reasons or wish to add information, by all means, it is constructive feedback.
Ah, cars. A highly controversial topic among the community it seems. I'm unsure where to even begin tackling that issue, but i'll start with player behaviour regarding cars. I have been extensively researching this topic on the forums, as well as sorting through my own experiences in game with cars. There are more than a few suggestions, reports and topics regarding them, so i'll try and wrap a universal discussion about it in this topic, as it seems many if any of the issues regarding them have been resolved due to the fragmented nature of the reports. But, on to behaviour. I'll recognize that there are some decent drivers of cars in game who want to respect the truckers that the game is based around, however the vast majority of players in cars are generally haphazard driving them, disrespectful, and ignorant towards other users of the road. They get impatient and act disrespectfully due to how slowly trucks accelerate and maneuver in comparison to themselves which creates a bad situation for everyone involved. They don't control their speed and crash into objects, other trucks and themselves. Players in the community have spoken out countless times about reckless behaviour. While i appreciate the inherent use of cars in game (police, filler traffic to make the game feel more alive), I do not believe that cars as they are currently implemented in game are appropriate at this time. Some major decisions about accessibility, price (and speed!) are needed, as they are extremely detrimental to the experience of everyone else. While staff cannot possibly be everywhere at once, there are still quite a few things that can be controlled about cars to make everyone's experience a better one.
Just a slight niggle about how members use this suggestions forum. I notice when community members are in agreement about a particular suggestion, they tend to create additional posts which don't really contribute to the value of the thread. This makes it difficult for members like myself that like to critical and informed responses to multiple posters on the thread as I now have to sift through a high ratio of "+1" and similarly described posts. See the following posts for examples of constructive feeedback: A guideline should be implemented that encourages agreeing members to use the "Thumbs Up" button instead of low value/content posts, and instead reserve posts for explanations of disagreement, and information about posts and suggestions in the thread. Actually, this would be generally useful across the entire website.
Strictly speaking as a programmer myself, I foresee two possible implementations, one of which is trivial and one slightly less trivial. The trivial option being, every time the afk kick process runs, simply wrap a one liner around the execution which checks the current server population. However that would less than optimal because you have the process running when it doesn't need to be. Slightly less trivial, tweaking the logic that actually decides when to execute the AFK kick code to not do so while the server population is < n players. Disclaimer: This is highly speculative as I haven't any idea how they implement these things server side (nor with C for that matter). I assume they are monitoring the actual positional data your game sends the server to decide whether or not you are AFK. i.e. not your mouse movement or other in game activities such as using truck dealers. This makes sense because most of the other data your game sends to the server is not really determinate of your presence at the keyboard (latency ping, time sync etc) I personally would like to see manual (re)connection UI. As for my opinion on the topic, it certainly wouldn't hurt things, and I wouldn't mind being able to idle in the server while i step away from my computer.
Well, through time or divine intervention I can now login to the game.
I haven't been able to get a response from any staff whatsoever in the past, and from what i've heard around the forums, that hasn't changed. I am able to login to the main site with the same credentials, just not in-game, via clipboard transfer, username change, password change, etc.
Changed the password, tried copy and pasting the email, still no cigar.
After updating to MP 0.1.3 I am no longer able to login to the game. I had it save my credentials from before which always worked fine. I had to login to the website to download the update anyways so my credentials are definitely correct. Upon suggestions in the forum, I tried changing my password, and my email, but I am still unable to login. Regards, Jadenn
Vehicle collision is completely client side. That is how rammers take advantage of desync, damaging the victim, but not taking any damage themselves.