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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About FawnPrince

  • Birthday 12/03/2001

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Mûrs-Erigné | Maine-et-Loire | France
  • Interests
    Adores good drivers and plastic parts.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Sacramento
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Dijon
  • Known languages
    Français, English, Español, русский

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  1. Wanna win 5€? Subscribe to our event the 13th of March, only 8 places remaining but be a good and talented driver! link : http://besteuropeandrivers.weebly.com/ats---long-travel---los-angleles.html

    1. McFreshi


      Noooo I'm the second person subscribing xD

  2. Come to our new season on American Truck Simulator link : http://besteuropeandrivers.weebly.com/ats---long-travel---los-angleles.html

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FawnPrince


      Yes, sorry, i translated it. Thx.

    3. FawnPrince


      I organize it in advance, if the mp is not released, i will postpone the date.

    4. FawnPrince


      But, people will have more time to learn the American Driving ;)

  3. The event will be on the EU2 server! I'm very sorry to not have chose another server, but, we will have to drive at a high speed at some parts... -------------------------------------------------- Мероприятие будет на сервере EU2! Мне очень жаль, не выбрали другой сервер, но мы должны ехать на высокой скорости в некоторых частях ... Translated via Google translate
  4. Yeah!!! New profile avatar! Took 2 day XD. Hope you like it...

    1. FawnPrince


      Because the Europe is coming in America! But that's not a way to change of name...

  5. Already 39 people in the group! Continue to join, it's as free as the subscribtion for the event. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/besteuro#

  6. Would you like a season like Drivers Championships, but, on dirt and grass? To see if you are good on it...

    1. stilldre1976
    2. FawnPrince


      There's some dirt road and some places that I know, if you want to know how it's organized, you could go on the topic in "Ma

    3. FawnPrince
    1. edgarinskas


      Im not the best so i can't join :/

    2. FawnPrince


      Maybe, but that' community, not a group of the bests drivers in Europe! XD

  7. One place left! We queasily made it! Come and be the last for the inscription on the first event like this! ------------------------------------- Остальные одно место! Мы сделали это тошнотворно! Приходите и стать последним для надписи на первое событие, как это! Translated via Google translation
  8. Have a good English! All the event will be in English! So, think about that! ---------------------------------------------------- Иметь хороший английский язык! Все мероприятие будет проводиться на английском языке! Так, думаю, об этом! Translated via Google translation
  9. Imagin, ETS2MP with EVERY mods... Iwouldn't see that XD

    1. FirestarteR93


      you wouldn't see that ,because you wouldn't even be able to download that xD

    2. FawnPrince


      Maybe, but that would be the chaos!

      -10 000 HP engine

      -Monster truck



    3. FirestarteR93


      obviously Maps should be excluded - imagine it only with trucks and tuning mods

  10. I'll maybe do a Championship here, I already noticed this place. My championships will be a bit harder. This will be in a very little road of Scandinavia with blind spots. I tasted my plans with the ConSecGroup, and, some places are so tight that you need to do it 3 or 4 times do place your trailer in a good position! -------------------------------------- Я, может быть, сделать чемпионат здесь, я уже заметили это место. Мои чемпионаты будет немного сложнее. Это будет очень мало дороге Скандинавии с белых пятен. Я попробовал свои планы с ConSecGroup, и некоторые места настолько плотно, что вам нужно сделать, это 3 или 4 раза у разместить трейлер в хорошем состоянии! Translated via Google translation
  11. Yes, but, Why is there more dash cams in Russian's car than European's car?! Compilations of Russian accidents. I know, I don't judge all of the country. look at those videos, the first is one of the rare European accidents compilation. And most of them are not accident : Russian : https://www.youtube.com/user/facecritik/videos these are my prejudices : Russians : Strange drive Turks : OMG Germans : Always traveling with tractors trailer at 110 KM/H Chinese : Always in a giants convoy, not respecting road rules (apocalypse) But I know that's not fully true...
  12. I hope you could show how you really drive! I think that you know that Russians have a bad reputation about driving skill? --------------------------- Я надеюсь, что вы могли бы показать, как вы на самом деле ездить! Я думаю, что вы знаете, что русские имеют плохую репутацию относительно водительского мастерства? Translated via Google translation
  13. ConSecGroup is a good VTC for me. It's just that their way to work could seem a bit dangerous when you don't know what they do! --------------------------- ConSecGroup хороший VTC для меня. Это просто, что их способ работы может показаться немного опасно, если вы не знаете, что они делают! Translated via Google translation
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