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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by denn1s

  1. That #FridayFeeling ! What's everyone upto this weekend? 

  2. That #FridayFeeling ! What's everyone upto this weekend? 

  3. when your thread gets removed from off topic for no reason... the forum is literally called OFF TOPIC

  4. when your thread gets removed from off topic for no reason... the forum is literally called OFF TOPIC

    1. denn1s


      LOOOOOOOOOOOL, how could there be an argument? do i portray TSR in a bad light? no i actually portray them in a good light because they dont do anything about it. meant to be some light hearted comedy video. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. For xbox fans who moved to PC i have good news regarding Forza. Also this is a new racing game to compete against Assetto Corsa and Project cars. http://www.virtualr.net/forza-motorsport-6-apex-officially-announced

  6. I have 0 intentions of going to my lectures today.

    1. denn1s


      *logs into mp*  it means i get to roam around the mp and you get to deal with the reports

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. I have 0 intentions of going to my lectures today.

    1. denn1s


      it means i get to roam around these fourms and you get to deal with the reports :)


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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