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Everything posted by Digital

  1. We're expecting an update to the MP client in 30 minutes, please be patient for the server to come online. Any questions, please feel free to ask here.
  2. If the rounds are still in progress and more players are needed, then yes.
  3. There are no sign-up forms. Just ensure you are available each day. The drag races will be a knockout competition. How many players are knocked out of each drag race depends on the player turnout for the event. For example, if 96 players enter, only 4 of the 8 players in each drag race will qualify. After 12 races, we will have 48 qualified drivers for the Championship. After the drag races on Saturday, we intend to leave the server open for the qualified players to practice on the tracks for as long as they want, until the Championship starts. More details on the exact starting location for each track will be made clear on Saturday.
  4. Greetings, truckers! The leaves are losing their fresh green colour, and are starting to fall onto our roads. That can only mean one thing... The Racing Championship series is returning for Autumn! The series brings together hundreds of keen truckers, each ready to push their truck to the limits by battling around our high-speed and twisting tracks! Should you be in front at the final finish line, you will be crowned the third TruckersMP Racing Champion of 2019... For our upcoming edition of the series, we will be returning to the States, and are excited to show you the action we've got planned for you in California! It's worth noting that as opposed to previous editions, all truckers that attend will have an opportunity to compete in this event. The races will take place across both Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September. You must be available for BOTH dates to enter! Saturday 14th September | Qualifiers The first day will be dedicated to qualifying for the Autumn championship. Here are the requirements and instructions on how to enter: - Be available from 15:30 UTC - [Click here for more timezones]. (The first race starts at 16:00 UTC. The event is expected to run for two-three hours). - Able to understand English (to understand event instructions). - Connect to the Racing Championship Autumn 2019 server. - Ensure your truck is fully fuelled, serviced, and prepared for racing. - Park at our Las Vegas meetup location (click here!), opposite the Services. Please ensure you're familiar with the event rules before participating! Eight players will be selected in a random order to compete in a drag race. This will continue until all players have competed. After all of the races are concluded, the fastest 48 players will qualify for the Championship taking place the next day. Additional players will have the chance to compete for a reserve spot in the Championship. Should a qualified player not turn up on Sunday, there will be a chance to take their spot. Sunday 15th September | Championship For everyone who qualified for the championship, this will be your big day! There are a lot of unique and challenging tracks prepared, ready for our 48 players to put their racing skills to the test. If you qualified, please ensure you are available from 15:30 UTC (the first race starts at 16:00 UTC, and the event is expected to run for up to four hours). Here's a quick overview of what to expect! Round 1 The first track of the Championship features tight corners and lots of big jumps, as 48 players battle through the streets of San Francisco! Round 2 - Quarter-Final Taking place near the Los Angeles coast, this track features some risky corners, prone to knocking drivers out of the race completely... Round 3 - Semi-Final Combining high speed and perfect handling is essential in our Santa Cruz track. Only the bravest truckers will make it in front. Round 4 - Final The true test for our remaining 6 players, as they must combine pure speed and grip through the streets of Los Angeles. On this track, there is only one winner. Rewards Being crowned our third Racing Champion of 2019 will also grant you the following rewards: Exclusive Champion Award on your Profile, for all of your well-deserved bragging rights. A hefty Steam gift card (converted to your local currency). Additionally, each Championship qualifier will not leave empty-handed, as you will all receive a unique profile Award! Feel free to post on our forum topic to ask questions, or let us know your thoughts! -TruckersMP Team
  5. Type of event: Official Racing Championship Server name: Racing Championship Autumn 2019 URL to the thread: https://truckersmp.com/blog/175 Organiser: TruckersMP Date and hour of the event: 14 September 2019 15:00 - 21:00 UTC / 15 September 2019 15:00 - 21:00 UTC Participants: 100+ Event rules: The dedicated event server will be classed as a 'freeroam' server, player collisions disabled. Racing participants and spectators will be exempt from the following clause: §2.5 - Reckless Driving (Racing other players, driving considered unsafe, being outside of map boundaries) Participants connected to the server must remain at the designated event locations. Free-roaming elsewhere will result in removal from the server. An exception applies for fuel/service trips. Participants must follow all instructions given by staff. Failure to comply/respond will result in disqualification from the event. If you are Away From Keyboard (AFK) for your designated race, you will be disqualified. Sufficient notice for the upcoming race will be given. Spectators must not enter the designated event racetrack, or otherwise interrupt the race. This will result in a ban from the network for the duration of the event. All additional TruckersMP rules will apply (https://truckersmp.com/rules). Notably: §2.1 - Hacking/Bug/Feature abusing - Will result in a permanent ban from the network. §3.1 - Truck modding - Will result in a limited ban from the network. Any of the above-outlined rules violated will also result in a ban from future official championships.
  6. The convoy was so big that the convoy leader drove all the way around Norway 500+ miles, then saw the convoy tail on the opposite side near Oslo! Thanks to everyone for attending. There were around 750+ participants, so there were a few hiccups. We hope you enjoyed the haul regardless. ?
  7. You're welcome to join and leave when you want.
  8. Greetings Players, It's time to announce our upcoming August convoy! With our June and July events hosted in the States, we know our European truck fans will be excited to know for August we plan on hauling across Scandinavia! Join us this Saturday 31st August 2019 at 17:00 UTC (Alternative Timezones). Meeting at Norway's Capital city, we will haul across the country to experience miles of its breathtaking mountain ranges, bridges, and tunnels. Our haul will lead to the destination of one of Sweden's major cities, Gothenburg. The convoy duration is estimated to be 90 minutes. It may be longer if you are towards the rear of the convoy. No breaks are scheduled, but you are welcome to pull into a safe place should you require a rest. We welcome the use of double trailers in the convoy, however, please ensure you use permitted combinations. Refer to rule 3.4 - Trailer combinations. Please feel welcome to comment or ask questions on our forum topic! Departure: Polaris Lines or Container Port, Oslo, Norway Destination: Gothenburg, Sweden Convoy Route: https://i.imgur.com/3cNNM3j.png Additional Event Info: Event Rules | DLC: Scandinavia | Server: Official Convoy Happy trucking! -TruckersMP Team View post on homepage
  9. Met so many amazing people at Insomnia65 today!! It was my first time to Insomnia so thanks everyone that made it awesome...



    1. Courtz49


      Was lovely to see you ❤️

  10. At Insomnia65 with @courtz49 and TruckersFM crew! ;)

  11. We're looking for more convoy control support for our official events! If you're interested in joining the team to help, you're welcome to apply. :)


    More information here: 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Der Joey

      Der Joey

      Hey Digital, I'm still thinking about when to join the TMP Team :ph34r:


      @Chris2306 Thank you! :wub:

    3. Shayrin
    4. Baldemar TR

      Baldemar TR

      somebody say , need cc boss ?  :troll:

  12. Just a few hours to go! See you all there!!!
  13. // Moved from Community Events to Help. To answer your question - further States are available on the American Truck Simulator Steam store page. Arizona is free, with New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, and soon to be released Utah, are available for purchase. These are all supported on TruckersMP.
  14. This is a private event the team will be supporting, not an official event.
  15. Greetings Players, If you saw our Are you ready? teaser posted a few days ago, you may have been wondering what was coming up in the TruckersMP community. There was a lot of speculation, with only a few noticing the subtle hint we included! We're proud to answer your questions by finally announcing our upcoming event to TruckersMP will be the seventh edition of... This event is unarguably the most successful event we host, and they're getting bigger and better! Our sixth edition back in February 2019 reached over 2000 players! Real Operations is an event like no other. With real-time emergency responses, simulated incidents and road works, you can experience multiplayer trucking to its true potential. Real Operations V7 Our next edition is coming up at the end of July, so there's not long to go before you're behind the wheel and experiencing our exciting and action-filled event. Everyone is invited to join us on Sunday 28th July 2019, from 16:00 - 20:00 UTC. Alternative timezones for the event can be found on the link below. Alternative Timezones Real Operations will be taking a trip to the 'States in our upcoming edition - certainly an event our American Truck Simulator fans do not want to miss! There will be lots of great new vehicles to witness in the operations, with the addition of a surprise that will be included to enhance the experience massively. This event will be completely unique, and includes something never done before in TruckersMP! Event Zone With the Real Operations Event Zone featuring nine cities and over 1500 miles of roads, you can freely choose a meetup of your preference. You are welcome to roam in the zone shown below, to explore and experience the pre-planned operations. There is no set route or destination, where you go is up to you! If you're excited about our upcoming event, let us know on the forums! Server: Real Ops V7 Temporary Official Event Rules: Click here! -TruckersMP Team View post on homepage
  16. I didn't realise it was not public! We will open this up now. Thanks for the suggestion, a Community Manager will approve it.
  17. We're aware of the ATS update and are working to update it ASAP for this convoy!
  18. The latest ATS version is now supported in TruckersMP! Greetings Players, With the recently added support for update 1.35 and release of the Washington US State, we see it as a perfect opportunity to explore the new roads together as a community! Starting in Washington's largest city of Seattle - we will embark through the State's evergreen forests and mountain roads. Additionally, in our tour, we will pass by through some of the State's cities, including the capital, Olympia. Join us on Saturday 29th June 2019 at 17:00 UTC (Alternative Timezones) to experience the first large-scale convoy on the new roads. As always, the convoy duration is estimated to be 90 minutes. It may be longer if you are towards the rear of the convoy. No breaks are scheduled, but you are welcome to pull into a safe place should you require a rest. Please feel welcome to comment on our forum topic! Convoy Route: https://i.imgur.com/qopTvGw.png Departure: Seattle, Washington Destination: Port Angeles, Washington Server: Official Convoy Temporary Official Event Rules: Click here! DLC: Washington Happy trucking! -TruckersMP Team View post on homepage
  19. Apologies for this. We are looking into restructuring how the event is organised for the future to ensure all players have an opportunity to participate.
  20. Please see my comment below addressed for feedback relating to attendees unable to participate.
  21. I'd like to also add a comment regarding feedback received regarding attendees not able to participate in the racing. I understand many of you were disappointed and frustrated due to not being selected to participate. Due to time restrictions, we were limited to a few randomly selected participants to join. We would love to have every single attendee to race if they wish to. The racing consisted of 48 drivers maximum, with the process from Qualifier to Final taking four hours. We are saddened by the number of players disappointed with the event and apologise if you felt your time was wasted. This was not our intention, as we spend days to organise our events, with the intention to create excitement and a positive atmosphere in the community! We are looking into the future of the Racing Championship and how it is organised, to ensure that every single attendee has an opportunity to enter and participate. This may mean we extend the period of time the event takes places i.e qualifier on day one, and the following rounds on day 2. Additionally, participants from Spring and Summer 2019 will be receiving profile Awards! Thank you all for your understanding, and please feel free to contact me if you are disappointed in our events.
  22. Greetings! If you missed the original blog for the Racing Championship, you can check it out here: https://truckersmp.com/blog/164 Our second instalment of the Racing Championship series has now concluded, with great results! Hundreds of players attended the event, whether they were spectating the action in real time, or hoping to be amongst the lucky selected participants. As six drivers competed together in each round, it was a challenging experience as only the fastest three would make it through to the next round. Starting with the Qualifier, drivers would have their skills and nerves put to the test. Pushing through the Qualifier, Quarter Final, and Semi-Final as the top three, we had our surviving six drivers in the Final: Exusiai IceRaged INM_Sneezy YT Nikitos345 RussianExpress:Slavik32RU T0bias Our Racing Champion is... All 48 drivers pushed hard for the Champion title, but there could only be one winner... As four finalists wiped out before the finish line, it was neck and neck between IceRaged and Nikitos345. After both battled nervously, we can now present to you our second Racing Champion... IceRaged! In addition to being crowned our second Champion, you will also receive a £50 Steam gift card and a shiny Award on your profile! The Racing Championship action may be over for now, but we'll be back later this year for our Autumn championship! For now, please drive safe and remember to only race on our Freeroam servers! -TruckersMP Team View post on homepage
  23. // Moved from Community Events to Turkish Discussion.
  24. Greetings Truckers! We're approaching the great season that is Summer. That means it's time to announce our new Racing Championship series is returning! We will be providing more nerve-wracking and exciting trucking action, as our community put their pedal to the metal, and push all of their skills to the maximum in hopes to be the first to cross that final finish line. The reward? You will become the second TruckersMP Racing Champion. For Summer, we will be bringing our championship to Europe. European trucks handle a lot differently than American trucks, so you can expect an entirely unique racing experience. It's also worth noting that we listened to your feedback from the previous instalment of the series back in Spring, and have made adjustments on how the event is managed. We will no longer be asking you to sign-up to enter, nor will we exclude players with punishments in their account history. Instead, all you have to do is join us at the meetup point detailed below, and ensure you are available for the FULL event time. If you're not available for the full time or wish to spectate instead, there is separate space available. From there, you will be moved to a designated audience position near the tracks! If you think you have what it takes, join us on Sunday 16th June 2019. Note: Race participants have very limited spaces available. Players will be randomly selected! Champion Rewards Not only will you feel amazing being our second Racing Champion, but you'll also receive the exclusive profile Award: Check out our first Racing Champion's profile to see it! On top of that, we'll throw in a big Steam gift card! Requirements To take part in the Summer Racing Championship 2019, please ensure you meet the following requirements: Own Euro Truck Simulator 2 Own Viva la France map expansion DLC Purchased your own truck Fluent in English (to understand event instructions) Available on Sunday 16th June from 15:30 - 20:30 UTC (first race starts at 16:00) Please ensure you're familiar with the event rules before participating! Meetup Location The first track will be located north of Clermont-Ferrand, France. The meetup location is shown below, as well as where to park depending on how you wish to attend the event. Trailers are not required! MAP VIEW AERIAL VIEW Excited? Have a burning question? You're welcome to post on our forum topic for this event by clicking here! -TruckersMP Team View post on homepage
  25. // Moved from Community Events to Portuguese Discussion.
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