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Everything posted by Digital

  1. Greetings! As we settle into the new year and prepare for another exciting year of events, what better way to kick things off than a great big convoy through American Truck Simulator's newest State?! Join us this Sunday 26 January 2020 at 18:00 UTC (Alternative Timezones). Starting in the most populated city in Nevada - Las Vegas, we will quickly be crossing into Utah, where we explore some of the most stunning views the State brings. The convoy duration is estimated to be 90 minutes. It may be longer if you are towards the rear of the convoy. No breaks are scheduled, but you are welcome to pull into a safe place should you require a rest. We welcome the use of B-double/triple trailers in the convoy, however, please ensure you use permitted combinations. Refer to rule 3.4 - Trailer combinations. Please feel welcome to comment or ask questions on our forum topic! Route Departure: Las Vegas, Nevada Destination: Salina, Utah Additional Event Info: Event Rules | DLC: Utah | Server: Official Convoy Wishing you happy and safe trucking, and we hope to see you there! -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
  2. // Moved from Community Events to Turkish Discussion > Konvoylar ve Eventler.
  3. The server will be online at 06:00AM UTC.
  4. Hello! The Make-A-Wish trailer paint is available on the Christmas Convoy server tomorrow. You should be able to see it in the services when connected to that server.
  5. Yes! You are welcome to join along with any route, you just need the DLC depending on the area.
  6. Keep an eye on the TruckersMP blogs and social media for updates on Winter Mod. There will be no AFK kick timer on the server. We try to balance fairly between ETS2 and ATS events, where possible. September was a particularly busy period for ATS events, but we understand ETS2 is a big favourite as well. Keep an eye out for upcoming news in the new year to see when the next ATS event will be.
  7. Check out our Christmas Convoy 2019 Trailer! Greetings! Every year, the TruckersMP community comes together like a family to celebrate an important holiday... Christmas! It has become a well-known tradition in the community for hundreds of players and staff to attend a massive 12-hour convoy. We are excited to confirm that this event will be returning once again for Christmas 2019. However, this year we are planning something never done in an official TruckersMP event before. For the last couple of months, we have been working with an incredible charitable organisation, to make this event truly special... Make-A-Wish was formed to grant life-changing wishes to children with critical illnesses. When children are battling a critical illness, so much of normal childhood is taken away from them. A wish is something that gives children the opportunity to look outside their illness. It restores a sense of childhood back to the child and normalcy back to the family. Wishes are varied, personal and life-changing. Whether it's going on an amazing holiday, meeting a celebrity hero, or having a bedroom makeover, Make-A-Wish go above and beyond to grant amazing wishes to very amazing children. To support Make-A-Wish, TruckersMP is sponsoring a child with a wish to visit Lapland (Finland)! In Lapland, children and their families can experience the snow, see reindeer, and visit Santa Claus himself. On behalf of Make-A-Wish, we are reaching out to you, the players, to make the wish come true! If you are able to support us, please consider donating. Our official fundraising page is JustGiving.com/ChristmasConvoy We will be accepting donations from this page only. All funds go directly to Make-A-Wish Foundation UK. As a thank you to anyone who donates, we will be adding a 'Make-A-Wish Supporter' Award to your profile. To receive it, simply contact us via Feedback, selecting the Event Management category. Donations made during the Christmas Convoy event will be announced across the whole server! Our Christmas Convoy will be on Sunday 22 December 2019, starting from 09:00 UTC, and finishing 12 hours later at 21:00 UTC! Specifically, we will be driving for 2 hours per route, with a 30-minute break prior to the next routes departure. There are 5 routes in total, travelling 5000 miles across France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, and Norway. To see when each convoy starts in your timezone, check out our Timezone Converter link. To help us raise awareness of Make-A-Wish and the incredible work they do, we have created a unique Make-A-Wish trailer paint! This will be added to TruckersMP closer to the event date, and available to purchase for any of your non-DLC box trailers. We urge you to use this during the convoy to show your support. From everyone at TruckersMP and Make-A-Wish, we wish you all a Merry Christmas, and hope to see you at the convoy with us! Additional Event Details: Event Rules | DLC: Vive la France, Going East!, Beyond the Baltic Sea, Scandinavia | Server: Christmas Convoy -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
  8. We rotate our events on Saturday and Sunday evenings, as we know some people work or go out on Saturdays as well. Yes, of course!
  9. There are eight cities to start from, but if they are still too busy you can park anywhere in the event zone which is quieter and go from there. Unreliable connection is mostly when trying to load your game into an already over-populated area. Start outside the city if this happens and you should have a better experience.
  10. Greetings! If you attended our Real Operations in American Truck Simulator in July, you may have been impressed with our wide range of custom vehicles involved to pull off such a massive event. Not only that, but we were very keen to introduce the support of map edits to the operations around California! But fear not Euro Truck fans. We're bringing Real Operations back to Europe very soon! Introducing... Our upcoming Real Operations event will be the best in Euro Truck Simulator 2 yet! Featuring lots of new vehicles and operations, you will be joined amongst thousands of players experiencing our most thrilling European event. Everything will be happening in real-time for you and your fellow truckers to witness. From emergency vehicles responding to incidents, including; fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances, to dynamic custom roadworks, rescue missions, and even police chases! Real Operations V8 There's not long to wait before you're in your truck and experiencing our eighth edition of TruckersMP's large scale event. We're very excited to confirm the event will be live on Sunday 24 November 2019 between the hours of 16:00 - 20:00 UTC. That's four hours to experience the real operations. If you're not sure when you can play in your timezone, please refer to our Alternative Timezones. Real Ops V8 will be held around eight cities across Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. All of the cities and roads where the operations take place are shown in the event zone map below. In Real Operations, you can choose which city you start in, and where you want to end. You can take a trailer with any destination or use your own trailer if you're purchased one. You don't need to set a destination, either! Participants are welcome to freely roam on the highlighted roads above to experience any route you choose. Want to check out that awesome operation again? You can turn around and experience it as much as you want! Some important details if you want to join: Server: Real Ops V8 Temporary Official Event Rules: Click here! We hope you're as excited as we are.. see you there! -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
  11. Type of event: Real Operations URL to the thread: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/90238-real-operations-24-november-2019/ Organiser: TruckersMP Date and hour of the event: Sunday 24 November 2019 16:00 - 20:00 UTC Participants: 1500-2000 Event rules: 1) Participants must not interfere with the Operations planned by the TruckersMP Team. 2) Participants must yield to all emergency/service vehicles. 3) Overtaking is allowed, only when safe and legal. Overtaking queues of traffic is forbidden. 4) Participants must drive on or near the Real Operations V8 event zone (https://i.imgur.com/BhF5xlk.png). Free-roaming in other cities and roads is forbidden. 5) Participants are required to obey all staff instructions. It is possible you will be pulled over or directed to move on the roads. 6) Staff are exempt from §3.4 - Trailer combinations
  12. Thanks to everyone that joined us! There was a staggering 600+ players which took part this evening. We hope you had a positive experience, and wish you all a safe and happy Halloween next Thursday. We did have jump scares along the route planned, but unfortunately, issues with the server at the last minute resulted in them not being able to load! Regardless, everyone on the team had a lot of fun and we hope you did too! ?️?
  13. ProMods won't be active. No map DLC required.
  14. Greetings, truckers! Have you ever been driving down an empty, dim road and felt like you're being watched? Unsure if that figure in your mirror was just your imagination? Are you afraid of the dark? If you're looking for a surreal trucking experience for Halloween this year, we're hosting a special two-hour convoy to push your bravery to the limit! Join us this Sunday 27th October 2019 at 18:00 UTC (Alternative Timezones)! Note: Daylight saving time ends in Europe on this date, please refer to the timezone link above to ensure you don't miss out! Our spooky convoy will begin in the city of Salzburg, Austria. Unfortunately, truckers that are frightened of the dark should not expect to see much light throughout the experience... To add to the terror, the destination will not be announced! Try to stay together, and always follow the event team directions/instructions. You don't want to get lost alone out there, do you? The convoy duration is estimated to be 120 minutes. It may be longer if you are towards the rear of the convoy. No breaks are scheduled, but you are welcome to pull into a safe place should you require a rest. Departure: City or Quarry, Salzburg, Austria Additional Event Info: Event Rules | DLC: None required | Server: Official Halloween Convoy Happy trucking! -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
  15. We're still organising the event, but as this is an 'off-schedule' event, the community managers kindly announcement our support to this great campaign.
  16. Please bring along any cargo which weights between 25 - 70 tonnes / 25,000 - 70,000 kilograms.
  17. Greetings, truckers! If you're a fan of big American heavy haul rigs, then you'll love what we've got in store this weekend! Join us this Sunday 29th September 2019 at 17:00 UTC (Alternative Timezones). There's nothing more American than hundreds of truckers hauling heavy cargo across an entire State! Featuring transformers, milling machines, bulldozers, log stackers, and many more cargos... this is the ultimate multiplayer hauling experience. We request all participants of the event bring along a trailer between 25 - 70 tonnes / 25,000 - 70,000 kilograms, and a full tank of fuel. Trailer weight modifications are accepted. Heavy Cargo Pack and Forest Machinery DLC recommended! Overtaking is permitted only if; the player in front is stuck, at crawling speed, or it is an emergency. Remember to keep plenty of distance from each other. The convoy duration is estimated to be 90 minutes. It may be longer if you are towards the rear of the convoy. No breaks are scheduled, but you are welcome to pull into a safe place should you require a rest. Please feel welcome to comment or ask questions on our forum topic! Convoy Route: https://i.imgur.com/yKZWVr8.png Departure: Large Rest Stop, Medford, Oregon Destination: Large Rest Stop, Ontario, Oregon Additional Event Info: Event Rules | Required DLC: Oregon | Server: Heavy Haul Convoy Happy trucking! -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
  18. Greetings, truckers! If you missed the original blog for the Racing Championship, you can check it out here: https://truckersmp.com/blog/175 After an exciting and busy weekend, it's time to confirm the results of our Autumn Racing Championship 2019! Our latest edition was action-packed and full of surprises! We upgraded the series massively, featuring not one, but two days of truck racing. Day one's highlight was our huge custom-built, eight-lane drag strip running through the city of Las Vegas! Eight players would nervously line up at the start line, hoping their high-powered truck and skilful driving would put them in front. The top four players to cross the finish line would be qualified to enter our Championship taking place on day two. Day two featured four tracks around California, each with a unique layout and custom-design! Six players would battle through our unique tracks set in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Santa Cruz. Only the fastest three would go through to the next round, with the rest being disqualified. Each track introduced more dangerous corners, jumps, and high-speed straights, pushing our contestants to the absolute limit. We were impressed with every driver's skills, and thank you all for participating, making this event possible! Results Below is a list of all of those that qualified for the championship, and what round they reached! Round 1 AUSTIN_PHOENIX BALDY BUNYAMIN CAMSHAFT#1 CHRISCHIN DARKSCREAM38 DIVERSANT_05 DORITOSLOVER4EVER EVGENIY_39 F-O-O-K-S INTERLACED MAPMAN1979 MASLAKOV MAU_RACER MCKAY16 MEXIUMUT MOHAMMAFSAB80 OOTHEMAN PALACIO233 PERSONAL_APPLE_VR PRIMEBLADE ROADRACER94 SLEED TITANIC4 Round 2 - Quarter-Final DIAMOND WOLF F V-SPEC KARTOFFELPHANTOM LCKUSTUMS MIEZTO MINI_DAVE NAZA D NIK1224 OLI_THE_RACER PSIKOPIRAT1 TEMUR114 XOMAID1727 Round 3 - Semi-Final AANIKGAMING CASSCOLL ENDYTM RAYMOND_ SCS SOFTWARE AI BOT PUMA Round 4 - Final DRAKOSLADE J.HUNTER PALTALA ROADHUNTER VELLACO As a token of their success, each player has received an Award on their profiles! Shall your opponents forever tremble in fear when they see that! ;) Autumn 2019 Racing Champion After over six and a half hours of racing action, we could only crown one contestant as our Autumn Racing Champion... In addition to being crowned Racing Champion, V4LTAMAH also receives an exclusive Award on their profile. We're also throwing in a £50 Steam Gift Card! Congratulations to you and a huge thank you for everyone that participated in our Autumn edition. We hope you had as much fun as we did organising it! Stay tuned for more on the series, as we've got big plans to warm up those cold trucks later in the year... Until then, why not watch the action on our official YouTube channel!? Drive safe out there. -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
  19. The US server being down looks to be a separate issue that the developers are working on. ?
  20. The 47 players which qualified will receive one! I will hopefully do this tonight. ? This will be the same for Spring and Summer qualifiers, as well.
  21. What an incredible weekend it has been! So many awesome drivers out there, but of course there can only be one winner... A huge congratulations to @V4ltamah on his photo-finish, and winning the Racing Champion title!
  22. Congratulations to @V4ltamah on becoming the Autumn 2019 Racing Champion! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    3. PUSHROD


      @V4ltamah.url@V4ltamah You had that hammer down! Good job. :)

    4. PUSHROD


      Thanks Digital & the team it was a blast!! Nail bitter watching those trucks roll hard.?

  23. As a reminder, the meetup is the same as yesterday in Las Vegas! Please be available from 15:30 UTC, as the first race is scheduled to commence at 16:00 UTC!
  24. Congratulations to all of the qualifiers, we look forward to seeing you again tomorrow for the Championship. Also a massive thank you to everyone that attended. We hope the event was a bigger improvement than previous editions! Here is a list of all those that qualified (in no particular order): DIVERSANT_05 [2469001] TITANIC4 [457635 ROADHUNTER [1721066] _PUMA_ [1317971] MINI_DAVE [2695634] PSIKOPIRAT1 [1732953] EVGENIY_39 [902497] DORITOSLOVER4EVER [2951648] V-SPEC [4486] MOHAMMAFSAB80 [1327728] BALDY [1055815] VELLACO [379170] F-O-O-K-S [219744P] MCKAY16 [2955252] PALTALA [1589] KARTOFFELPHANTOM [1473712] OLI_THE_RACER [1062208] MAU_RACER [1886873] MASLAKOV [2808103] OOTHEMAN [558709] AUSTIN_PHOENIX [65624] RAYMOND_ [666832] MEXIUMUT [133704] CAMSHAFT#1 [2570664] CHRISCHIN [2743127] INTERLACED [2437387] LCKUSTUMS [462497] BUNYAMIN [2562457] PRIMEBLADE [890736] ENDYTM [1794790] DRAKOSLADE [2339461] NAZA D [1705959] V4LTAMAH [2640719] MAPMAN1979 [1462049] AANIKGAMING [280947] CASSCOLL [684231] ROADRACER94 [1464454] DARKSCREAM38 [2392174] MIEZTO [11369] PALACIO233 [377136] XOMAID1727 [1527653] SLEED [186753] DIAMOND WOLF [888] PERSONAL_APPLE_VR [767101] SCS SOFTWARE AI BOT [1102811] J.HUNTER [101377] NIK1224 [393338] TEMUR114 [2806733]
  25. You can come to Las Vegas, just do not park in the meetup area so we know you're not participating. If you wish to be teleported to a better location, please PM a Game Moderator there.
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