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Retired Legend
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Digital

  1. This is a bumpy road you found! Anyway, great guide. Hopefully this will help people which are new to convoys.
  2. Good to see the ban process is updated, I like it.
  3. Looks quite useful for convoy managing... Great guide! I may give it a try and see if it helps.
  4. Very nice map you made there. I can tell a lot of time and effort went into it. Well done.
  5. Digital

    Convoy Licence

    It's an interesting idea, but I cannot see it working at all. Plus, someone can easily start a convoy without a licence.. what will happen then? Admins are too busy to punish users for 'illegal' convoys. Just join an organised convoy next time.
  6. Great guide, I can see a lot of people benefiting from it. I personally use ShadowPlay because my GPU supports it.
  7. Congratulations on Support! :)

  8. Digital

    0.1.2 R2 Alpha

    Had the update and winter mod download in about 30 seconds earlier today, very good!
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