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Everything posted by Digital

  1. Unfortunately, there are no plans to set up a public collaborative project on GitHub for TruckersMP.
  2. Hi @sgpch1983, I have reached out to mwl4 about your questions: "It is very hard to find anyone that is able to do such things. Standard C++ programmers often do not have any knowledge in creating such software. Threshold to join project as game developer is really high. We can sign proper contracts with new developers, it is not problem. Just finding anyone that can do such things is really hard. It is even hard for big companies." "it is impossible. SCS cannot do a lot of changes in one patch. They have to make sure everything is working fine with old saves, that features work, etc." "After some time there will be TruckersMP for 1.38, just wait."
  3. Greetings! As with our previous development update for game version 1.37, we are delighted to announce our development update for game version 1.38. With American Truck Simulator 1.38 releasing on 14th July, and Euro Truck Simulator 2 1.38 on 21st July, the community has been anxiously awaiting TruckersMP's support of the latest versions for one month now. Although our support is not yet ready, we wanted to be clear on our current progress, and explain why it is taking an exceptional amount of time. Although on the surface there may not appear to be many changes in 1.38 that could cause a delay to our progress, there have been many changes behind the scenes which SCS Software has pushed into the latest builds. FMOD is still a major factor towards the difficulty in updating multiplayer, as they present further back-end changes, as well as the known 'missing sounds' bug that appears nearby other players. To answer some popular questions, we have listed our answers below. Of course, if there are additional questions you would like to ask, you are welcome to post it on our forum topic. We will monitor the topic over the next few days and answer them as soon as possible. When is multiplayer support for 1.38 expected to release? We are currently anticipating a release towards the end of August/early September. We understand this is later than most of you had hoped, but rest assured this update is our developers' number one priority. Why do these updates take so long? Right now, only the lead developer 'mwl4' has the knowledge, skills, and tools to prepare the port from 1.37 to 1.38. In addition to him working on the update, he has personal commitments in the real world. The whole team are supporting him to the best of our abilities, but we are limited to only minor tasks. If you're curious about the process mwl4 has to port our multiplayer mod to support the latest versions, check out his video, here: [Development Video] Porting ETS2MP to 1.14 patch. Although over five years ago, it gives us a vague understanding of the complexity to develop our mod. How can I stay up to date with information about 1.38 multiplayer support? We will ensure you are informed by keeping our social media channels and information regularly updated. You can check them out below: TruckersMP News | Development Announcements (forums) | Discord | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook I already updated to 1.38, how can I play on the multiplayer servers? As multiplayer does not support the 1.38 version yet, you will need to downgrade your game version. We have provided a guide on how to downgrade your games to 1.37 here: How to downgrade You can also view our video guide on how to downgrade, here: How To: Downgrade Your Game. Will ProMods 2.46 be supported? ProMods 2.46 is not compatible with game version 1.38 yet, either. Our ProMods multiplayer servers will be unavailable until their 1.38 compatibility update is released, and tested on multiplayer. Will 'Idaho' DLC be supported? The new Idaho DLC will be supported along with the 1.38 multiplayer update release. Is the horn sound bug going to be fixed in this update? This is an ongoing issue the developers are addressing. It is caused by the new sound engine's (FMOD) restriction of sounds that play concurrently. Due to the complexity FMOD introduces, it will not be fixed in time for the 1.38 multiplayer update. We are actively seeking a workaround to bypass the FMOD restrictions, but it is an extremely complex task. This concludes our development update for 1.38 multiplayer. We understand your frustrations towards the multiplayer support for 1.38 taking a while. A lot of effort is going into the update every day to ensure we can support the latest version as soon as possible. Unfortunately, 1.37 and 1.38 have introduced a lot of complicated problems in the back-end code, which means our developers are forced to spend a lot of additional time resolving them before we can release the update. Your patience and understanding is appreciated! Thank you. -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
  4. Hello all! We are glad to read your positive messages for the 1.37 port. As the update has been released, this topic will be locked. If you wish to write about the latest update, you're welcome to post in the below topic:
  5. The 1.37 update is coming tonight, enjoy.
  6. Hahaha, take it with a pinch of salt, anything could happen.
  7. Don't quote me, but with current progress it will likely be a day or so, providing there's no critical bugs that delay it.
  8. The initial intention was to release the port to 1.37 without the Skoda for a few days while it was being worked on, but that was completed by the Add-On Managers early. There are still more important things to do than the Skoda - which is not the reason for the long delay.
  9. If there are members in the community with the time, skills, knowledge, experience, and tools required to support the development of the multiplayer client, then they should seek joining the team as a Developer. Unfortunately, since the project began, there have only been around 3/4 developers that have been/are in the team that tick all of the boxes necessary to work on such a complex project.
  10. Hello! ? I just wanted to post a quick update on the 1.37 port progress for those checking-in on this post. We are very close to a release now, with testing taking place in the team. Now at 95% completion, there is just some work needed on the CB Radio and Skoda vehicle, as well as fixing reported bugs found by the team. After this is complete, everything should be ready for release.? There is no estimated date yet, but as soon as it's ready, the update will be released.
  11. With how close the port is to being complete, I expect it'll be this month. This is not a problem. I don't imagine 1.38 will be as complex as 1.37 is. We're making great progress on 1.37, and will start work on 1.38 whenever that is released.
  12. The Racing Championship content is built on 1.36, but it's pretty simple for Event Management and Add-On Team to get it working on 1.37. The 1.37 port progress isn't affected by the Racing Championship, or any other event. When it's ready, it'll be pushed immediately. Updates have taken this long in the past, there is nothing new here. It entirely depends on the complexity of the update and mwl4's availability.
  13. We're aware of the issue and our developers are looking into it. I've chased them on it now and will do some testing to see if a solution can be found quicker.
  14. The Skoda will indeed have openable windows and is currently undergoing testing. There are currently no plans to add new features or changes to the Skoda Scout vehicle at this time. At the moment there are no plans to support a Summer weather mod as this is the default season in the games.
  15. You may want to get in touch with our Support team: https://truckersmp.com/support This will not be synchronised initially as it is low priority for supporting 1.37. It will be looked into in the near future. I am waiting for an answer on this from Add-On Management and will respond again later when it is confirmed. We do not plan to have external testing available for the latest version. Testing will be tasked to the TruckersMP Team. 1) mwl4 and Shawn were not involved in the development of Real Operations V9. The only way they were involved was to push to event content to the launcher. This is something which takes a few minutes. 2) There were AI converted vehicles used in Real Ops V9, yes. A lot of them were re-used from V7, but there were some new additions. These are solely created by the Add-On Management and Add-On Team, whom are not involved in porting to 1.37. The map-edited operations were created by the Add-On Team and Event Management. The 70+ Real Ops V9 staff tested the vehicles and operations. Again, the only work the developers responsible for porting 1.37 did for this event was to push to content to the launcher. 3) The new vehicles for admins are not a priority and do not cause a delay on the 1.37 update. 4) The official events are scheduled months in advance, so it is difficult to move them to later dates as we also have other events taking place in the future. We also have to be aware of other community events taking place in the future. It was agreed that we would continue operating official events to their schedule, as planned in the calendar, regardless of the game version. We have had a successful turn-out in attendance to the official events in 1.36 so far. 5) The Racing Championship only consists of custom map-edited content. The aim is to run the event on 1.36, however, should 1.37 be supported before the event takes place then it is a low amount of work to update it to 1.37 as well. This content is only developed by Event Management and the Add-On Team. The developers involved in porting 1.37 just need to push the content to the launcher, which will be done in the next few days.
  16. Greetings! Since the official release of 1.37 for American Truck Simulator (ATS) and Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2) over a month ago, we have observed an influx of questions and frustration for multiplayer support on the latest version. Today, we wanted to reach out to the community to express our mutual thoughts around the situation, and to provide an insight into the current progress. A lot of effort has already gone into porting multiplayer to 1.37, and we would like to assure you that progress is being made daily. You will be happy to know that 1.37 is now in a 'working state', with 90% of the work complete. This is good news, as this means while using the latest version of ETS2 and ATS we can connect to our test servers. However, if there are unexpected bugs presented, this percentage can change at any time. There has been some speculation of the latest DLC 'FH Tuning Pack' causing a slow-down on the progress. Thankfully, this is not true, as the new DLC can be supported very quickly. However, what is causing a delay in progress is the newest sound engine (FMOD). This is a new core feature in the game, which has presented new challenges for our developers. Right now they are currently reimplementing the truck sounds, which is consuming 9% of the 10% remaining to complete the port to 1.37. The remaining 1% is for finalising other minor tasks. In an effort to answer some popular questions, we have listed our answers below. Of course, if there are additional questions you would like to ask, you are welcome to post it on our forum topic. We will monitor the topic over the next few days and answer them as soon as possible. When is multiplayer support for 1.37 expected to release? You may have seen it mentioned often that the 1.37 support is 'ready when it's ready', or 'it is coming soon'. We understand this is not helpful information to you, and it can be frustrating not being given any updates about it. The reason for this is because there are too many possible outcomes to promise a set date. Instead, we can only speculate on a rough time period. However, if things don't go as planned, this can be extended. Right now only the lead developer 'mwl4' has the knowledge, skills, and tools to prepare the port from 1.36 to 1.37. In addition to him working on the update, he has personal commitments in the real world. The whole team are supporting him to the best of our abilities, but we are limited to only minor tasks. Please remember that ETS2 and ATS are single-player games at their core, and having a working multiplayer for so many years is a feat of its own! We know a lot of you are losing patience, but supporting multiplayer takes an unbelievable amount of skill and time. How can I stay up to date with information about 1.37? We will ensure you are informed by keeping our social media channels and information regularly updated. You can check them out below: TruckersMP News | Development Announcements (forums) | Discord | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook I already upgraded to 1.37, how can I play on the multiplayer servers? As multiplayer does not support the 1.37 version yet, you will need to downgrade your game version. We have provided a guide on how to downgrade your games to 1.36 here: How to downgrade Why are you still focusing on large official events such as Real Operations V9, instead of working on 1.37? The TruckersMP Team consists of over 200 members. Each member has an area in the project to focus on. Official events are created by the Event Management and Event Team. They collectively spend thousands of hours to provide the community with fresh and exciting events. The multiplayer port to 1.37 is an effort the Developers focus on. Presently, only mwl4 and ShawnCZek work on the game client due to their skills and knowledge in that area. I have seen a lot of client updates recently, are they contributing towards 1.37? The updates you will have seen recently were primarily bug fixes and features required in general for the multiplayer mod. The target version for these updates was mostly for 1.36, however, some updates were made in preparation for 1.37. These updates were required and did not affect the 1.37 update progress. As Summer is approaching, will the Spring weather mod be removed? The Spring weather mod will be removed on the release of multiplayer support for 1.37. ProMods 2.46 is ready, will it be supported on 1.37? Initially, the ProMods servers will be offline for a few days until multiplayer support for 2.46 is ready. You can expect ProMods to return on version 2.46 shortly after the release of multiplayer on 1.37. Will the World of Trucks 'Operation Genoa Bridge' event be supported? As this event is only available in 1.37, it cannot be supported yet. If the event is still active when we support 1.37 then it will be available on multiplayer. Will the latest DLC 'FH Tuning Pack' be supported? Yes. We can support the FH Tuning Pack DLC very quickly, so you can expect this to be added in the initial update for 1.37. This concludes our development update for 1.37. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that continues to support the TruckersMP project. Your patience is greatly appreciated and we understand you are keen for the 1.37 multiplayer support. We are listening to your questions and concerns about the 1.37 support and hope this information has helped you in some way. -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
  17. The TMP6 Freeroam server is now closed! Thank you everyone for playing over the last 6 years, it has been amazing!


    Stay tuned in the next few days as we announce our next upcoming event. I think you will be very excited when you find out what's in store. :) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chemistry_TMP


      Closed.. ;( I miss TMP7 server.

    3. MarkON


      I look forward to next event.

      I hope that you will publish ? teaser/trailer in social media TruckersMP.

    4. Geology Rocks

      Geology Rocks

      It was a great server. next time make it so  /fix all time time not after 600 seconds to make it even more dangerous XD 

  18. I've written a new guide explaining all of the event server configuration options! :) 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. [GTR - 002] Driver

      [GTR - 002] Driver

      Very detailed explanation, thank you.?

    3. Geology Rocks

      Geology Rocks

      Thank you that would be very helpful

    4. ChristianD.


      thanks that was very helpful?

  19. All Awards have been assigned now. If you still haven't received yours, please write to us at https://truckersmp.com/feedback via the Event Management category.
  20. I'll be booting up the TMP6 Freeroam server in just 10 minutes!


    Enjoy! ❤️ 

  21. The siren only functions on the server.
  22. These would be allowed. 1.37 on TMP will not be ready yet, so it will take place on 1.36. You can activate/deactivate the siren by pressing J.
  23. If you missed the Event Management after-show speech concluding the TMP6 Festival, you can hear it here! :)

    @Matt #CarLadMatt @Whitelodge



  24. Happy 6th Anniversary! ❤️

    If this status gets 6 likes, I'll post a teaser of tonight's festival! ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Digital


      Okay here is the teaser of tonight!!!



    3. antrax737


      But we have to downgrade ats, dealbreaker when you are actually playing the game and already own 3 Anthems :(



      Happy 6th Anniversary ?

  25. You may have to just turn your game volume down, unless there is an option in the MP sound settings. TruckersMP will remain on 1.36 for the duration of the events. 1.37 will be supported as soon as it's ready, but it will take quite a few days due to the major changes it brings.
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