Everything posted by Digital
Greetings! Today we have received the following hotfixes to fix game client fatal errors, and compatibility with a new version of American Truck Simulator. Steering wheel accessories causing a game client fatal error [Hotfix #1] CB Radio missing in Scout and truck cabins [Hotfix #1] American Truck Simulator version (64-bit) is now supported [Hotfix #2]
Thank you for letting us know. We have received multiple reports of steering wheel accessories causing a game fatal error. As a temporary fix, please try to remove these accessories in Single Player, then re-connect to our servers. Please let us know the outcome! In the meantime, our developers will investigate and push a fix as soon as possible.
Greetings! Earlier this month, update 1.39 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator was released, and since then, our developers have been working hard on porting our multiplayer client's game version from 1.38 to 1.39. After much anticipation, we are happy to now confirm TruckersMP supports version 1.39! You can find more information on our update at the Changelog forum topic. What will this compatibility update include? In anticipation of some popular questions, we have prepared a list outlining what is included in our latest update: Euro Truck Simulator 2 version (64-bit) compatibility American Truck Simulator version (64-bit) compatibility Support for new truck accessories for both games ProMods 2.51 support for 'ProMods' and 'ProMods Arcade' servers Colorado DLC support (including No Collision Zones in applicable prefabs) World of Trucks 'Cruising Colorado' event support, including 'Rocky Mountain Bighorn' paint job Removed Early Autumn modification support Added Late Autumn/Mild Winter modification support Known outstanding issues Sounds not working correctly in high traffic density, due to FMOD sound engine complications Scout engine sounds are not working Scout Caravan trailer temporarily prohibited due to a crash - a hotfix is planned soon Further confirmed bugs can be found on our forum: Confirmed Bugs Hotfixes deployed The below have been resolved through our hotfixes. Thank you for your patience. Steering wheel accessories causing a game client fatal error [Hotfix #1] CB Radio missing in Scout and truck cabins [Hotfix #1] American Truck Simulator version (64-bit) is now supported [Hotfix #2] Added missing CB Radio placement for Volvo FH16 2012 [Hotfix #3] Of course, if you have a question this blog didn't answer, please feel welcome to post it on our forum topic! We will answer them at our earliest convenience. Thank you to everyone for your patience over the last three weeks. Stay safe, and happy trucking! -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
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You can use any font you want, but just make sure to rename your preferred font as OpenSans.ttf, because the client only recognises this file name to load.
// Locked. If you are experiencing issues with the multiplayer client/launcher, please direct your concerns to our Help forum: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/55-help/
Anyone like to see behind the scenes videos?
Here's one for the Real Ops V7 Teaser video back in July 2019!
In this particular clip, I was practising the best angle and speed for the perfect shot!-
- Report
Support for Euro Truck Simulator 2 is now available.
Our developers are aware of the latest update to Euro Truck Simulator 2 and are working on supporting this ASAP. Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for highlighting it, we will investigate and hopefully include a fix in the next hot-fix. (Ref https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/profile/15391-scaniafan89/&status=171860&type=status)
I've updated the post to include the below link: This is the exact bug it is referring.
// Locked. Thank you to everyone for your patience, support, and encouragement over the past two months! Please direct your comments here:
Greetings! For two months, many of you have patiently anticipated our compatibility support for the latest versions of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. With lots of the backend code drastically changing in the games, it has certainly been a challenge for our developers. However, we are delighted to announce that TruckersMP now supports 1.38! You can find more information on our update at the Changelog forum topic. What will this compatibility update include? In anticipation of some popular questions, we have prepared a list outlining what is included in our latest update: Euro Truck Simulator 2 ( American Truck Simulator ( ProMods 2.50 Idaho DLC support (including No Collision Zones, where applicable) World of Trucks Idaho event paint jobs support Removed New Summer weather modification (Autumn weather modification is scheduled to be added later in the month) No Collision Zones for new Dealership prefabs. Known outstanding issues Sounds not working correctly in high traffic density (although, noticeable improvements have been made) Broken Volvo CB Radio in Euro Truck Simulator 2 Horn sounds play for too long when pressed (this is an issue present in Single Player, therefore, TruckersMP cannot fix this). Of course, if you have a question this blog didn't answer, please feel welcome to post it on our forum topic! A member of our team will answer it at our earliest convenience. Thank you to everyone that supported us with words of encouragement over the last two months! Stay safe and happy trucking! -TruckersMP Team --> View post on homepage
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1.38 will be deployed shortly...
We will be going live @ https://www.youtube.com/ets2mpofficial shortly to showcase and discuss the 1.38 multiplayer release! Why not come and say hello?! ?
All will be announced later!
Full details on the update will be announced later. Stay tuned! ?
1.38 Development Update - Release Scheduled Greetings! The testing stage has been successful, therefore, a public release is now scheduled. You can expect this to drop around the early morning hours of Sunday 13 September. Thanks everyone for your kind support and patience.
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We are aware of the ProMods update and will aim to support it shortly after our 1.38 support update, if not along with it in the initial update.
1.38 Development Update - Testing In Progress We have some exciting news, as we are happy to confirm our developers has made significant progress in the 1.38 porting process. We have now reached the testing stage! This means our team of 180+ will be running the latest build of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator (1.38) to check for bugs, and reporting them to the developers. Depending on the outcome of testing, the community can expect a release very, very soon. Stay tuned for more information. ?
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There are no plans for TruckersMP to become an open source project. If someone has the know-how required, they can contact us to become a Developer. Unfortunately, there are not many people out there with sufficient knowledge, tools, skills, experience etc.
Hi everyone! ? I have been reading through the last few pages of comments, and though I cannot answer all of them individually, I can see the main concern here is a lack of smaller updates on the progress. This is something I would like to address here, and continue to do so more regularly in the future. Although, bear in mind it won't be possible everyday, it's simply not possible. But if there is any significant change in development, I'll be sure to let you all know as soon as possible, right here in this topic. Just like everyone else, I'm a big supporter of TruckersMP and can understand why you are feeling frustrated and impatient with us. I often see it with a lot of my favourite game developers where we won't receive information or updates for months... it's awful! Luckily, my position here helps me to understand why we're in the current situation, so the aim with the development updates is to be level with you guys and share all the details we know. With that said, here is what's currently going on. While on the surface it seems no progress is being made, behind the scenes I have been in contact with mwl4 regularly to chase on the current progress. As it turns out, we are edging closer to 1.38, but there's plenty more work to do yet. Here's a little insight to help you understand the current progress: There are 3 stages to the porting process: Functions porting, classes porting, hooks porting. The first stage is what takes the longest. Weeks, months even. Last weekend a lot of work went into the second stage, so hopefully that will be done at some point this week. Then it will be the third stage, which mwl4 reckons will take only a few days. After this stage, the multiplayer client will be working on the latest build (1.38), but there are a few more days of bug fixing and testing required (checking for broken functionality, game crashes, etc). Our team of over 180 people will have access to a development environment, and are given specific tasks by the developers. Other than that, the aim is to essentially try to break the client. Test everything you possibly can, and if something doesn't work, they report it and it is fixed. If it can't be fixed in a reasonable time and isn't a game-breaking bug, it's taken note of and will be worked on and pushed as a hot-fix at a later date. An example of this is the sound bug which was presented in 1.37 (this is still being looked into, but is a very, very complex issue). With this current progress then, it appears there are only roughly two weeks until it's ready. However, take this with a pinch of salt. We are not promising a release date, as in this kind of development, any damaging bugs or issues can cause a setback to anywhere from a few hours, days, or weeks. So, I hope this smaller update was somewhat useful to you. I will spend some time with mwl4 in a few days to check the current progress, and report back if anything significant is brought up. Until then, stay safe and keep on being awesome. ?
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Thank you for taking the time to highlight this. I have forwarded your post to the Development Team for their attention!
ShawnCZek has been a massive help in developing fixes/features for the mod, indeed. As for mwl4, I don't think there is a need to worry about the future of TruckersMP right now. mwl4 has been doing this for over six years and doesn't intend to stop any time soon. Yes, it's unfortunate he cannot commit more time to it to get updates out faster, but that doesn't mean he's quitting. It's a case of prioritising real life commitments on top of the project, which everyone in the team is entitled and encouraged to do.
The recent updates have been for new features/fixes outside of the 1.38 support development. You can view a list of changes/additions that have been pushed to the launcher in the past month, here: These updates have not affected the 1.38 support development progress, as these were done by ShawnCZek, who does not work on the 1.38 support update.
Hi @THEREALDETONATOR, I have reached out to mwl4 about your question: "It is not depended on 1.38, it can be fixed before or after or with update supporting 1.38". This means the Volvo bug can be fixed on 1.37, during the 1.38 multiplayer support update, or after the 1.38 multiplayer support update. It just requires a developer to find a fix and implement it, when they have an opportunity to.