Posts posted by Digital
34 minutes ago, FBTC - Raaphael said:
Excellent work with this update,
but it is not possible to take advantage of the game's photos feature to be able to change the weather and time unfortunately.
You should be able to change the weather, but the time is synchronised between players across the server, so this will be locked.
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Just over two weeks ago, version 1.41 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator was released. Over these two weeks, our game developers have been working hard on porting our multiplayer client from version 1.40 to 1.41.
We are all very excited to announce that TruckersMP is now compatible with version 1.41!
You can also view information on this update via our changelog forum topic: Released - Development Announcements - TruckersMP Forum
What does this compatibility update include?
In anticipation of some popular questions, we have outlined what is included in our compatibility update, below:
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 version (64-bit) compatibility.
- American Truck Simulator version (64-bit) compatibility.
- ProMods Europe v2.56 support for 'ProMods' and 'ProMods Arcade' game servers.
- ProMods Canada v1.0.2 support for all American Truck Simulator game servers.
- World of Trucks 'Idaho Spuds' event support, including the associated cabin accessories rewards.
- Support for the latest version of New Summer Graphics/Weather modification (1.41 compatibility).
Of course, if you have a question this blog didn't answer, please feel welcome to post it on our forum topic! We will answer them at our earliest convenience.
Thank you to everyone for your patience over the last two weeks.
Happy trucking!
-TruckersMP Team
3 hours ago, ScaniaFan89 said:
@DigitalWhy is this classed as a police accessory & why won't you guys update it like you have the new police lights, do you guys have something against players having strobes on cars?
It will be fixed in an upcoming update, which focuses on patching a lot of Scout-related issues.
17 hours ago, Next7 said:
I have two specific questions for you. My first question is about the reflection problem in scout car. Will this issue be resolved with the upcoming updates? Or is there no possible solution to solve efficiently this issue?
This should be resolved in an upcoming update, which focuses on patching a lot of Scout-related issues.
17 hours ago, Next7 said:And my other question is about AI Weekly Vehicles. Will you keep all of those vehicles permanently on TruckersMP servers? Do you have any specific plans for those vehicles?
Right now, the plan is to rotate the vehicles every two weeks, to give more variety on the roads. I like to see this particular project with an open mind, so our plans could change slightly, in the near future. For example, we are yet to implement this project to American Truck Simulator, and so on.
Thanks for your questions!
10 hours ago, Gman95 said:
Here's an idea. Bare with me, it's pretty out there.
SCS devs give the TMP devs the release version 1-4 weeks ahead of the actual release. Both dev teams agree on a deadline so when ETS2 has a big update, TMP updates alongside it. Best part? Nobody would be the wiser for the delay because SCS announced the release would be X day which is when TMP has its release ready, too!
It's not really possible, because SCS will want to release the update as soon as it's ready. It's not viable for them to delay it a couple of weeks for our modification (or any other).
9 hours ago, Hans mit der Gans said:
I sure am. It's quite hard to figure out which color changes which element. I tried to simply invert the whole thing, because my UI is quite bright, but the result wasn't as satisfying as I hoped. An explanation would make things much easier. The alternative is to try every color panel and search the whole game for this exact color. A matter of hours. Thank you very much for your efforts already.
Not to worry. Back in 2017 I did just that - changing each and every element individually and documenting what is used and where.
The rough guidelines I referred to were primarily created just for my own reference, so it may not make much sense to someone else. However, you can download the .zip here: (, then extract the first folder.
There are two folders inside:
Full UI Sprite - Contains the full ui_skin template.
TruckersMP UI Sprite - Contains only the elements actually used in TruckersMP. I made this mostly just to give myself a visual representation of what is used in our mod. The actual ui_skin in TruckersMP is the Full UI Sprite, but you could technically use this one so it's less confusing.
Open the index.html file for either one, this should open in your web-browser. Hover your mouse over each element, and a tooltip should show, describing what it does. Again, as I made this for my personal use, some things may not make total sense and there will probably be some trial and error you have to do yourself. However, this should give you a massive head start into creating your own professional UI skin.
I made these 4 years ago, so some things may be incorrect and rough. But, I will, at some point, create an official KB article which explains the UI system in-depth.
I hope this helps, and have fun!
10 minutes ago, Hans mit der Gans said:
Already found my misake, but thanks anyway. By the way: Is there some way to change the color of the font or maybe at least invert it?
You can change the font colours on the UI windows, yes, but it's not straight-forward.
You would do this by modifying the ui_skin.png file. There are coloured squares in the bottom left, which each correspond to a specific UI element.
I'm hoping to create a KB article around the UI system, to explain modifying it in even more detail than this topic does. That may interest you, when it's ready.
I do have some rough guidelines on what each element of the ui_skin.png file does, for now, since it's not documented very well at the moment. Let me know if you are interested.
3 hours ago, Hans mit der Gans said:
For some reason, I only have a folder called "TruckersMP Launcher" with no hidden stuff in it.
Navigate to C:\ProgramData\TruckersMP\data - If you cannot see the ProgramData folder, you need to change your File Explorer settings.
On 4/30/2021 at 7:28 PM, PheonixInfinityGaming said:
As always you've done an amazing job and we all thank you but, myself and a few of my friends don't seem to have the middle east add on for promods in tmp, we have it on single player but it's just not there! Is this a new issue for just a select few or something being worked on?
Hi, if you are still experiencing issues, please refer to Roccovax's advice, below:
On 5/1/2021 at 3:25 AM, Roccovax said:The Middle East Addon is actually supported, it just requires the most updated version (2.55a) of the addon.
Thank you for your help.
On 4/29/2021 at 9:50 PM, Granite said:
There is a possible problem with all ferry ports in Spain - located in Barcelona, València, Bilbao and Santander.
The non-collision zones only include the ferry itself, where you can safely depart, but when you arrive to any of these ports, you will spawn outside of non-collision zone, right on the road.
You will then have the usual 20 seconds of ghost mode to react, which will be shortened by any loading time your system may require, so act quickly.
Unfortunately, the No Collision Zone function is reliant on what's known as 'prefabs'. These are basically locations that are reused, such as the Services, company depots, and so on. The ports you mention do not use prefabs, except for the ferry itself (which is a prefab).
I presume this won't become a big issue since the player population is generally quieter compared to Duisburg/Calais. If it does, we will review the situation and look for a solution!
6 hours ago, Denis(123rus) said:
will there still be development of cities in Italy, France, Poland, Scandinavia and other cities, and how soon will it be for Russia?
This is a question for SCS Software! We do not develop the map DLCs.
2 hours ago, Actens[TR] said:
Will the 110 speed limit be lifted with future updates?
Hello, we do not intend to remove the speed limit.
1 hour ago, [TDOO]OttO said:
this error do i get then i have installed the mod and start ut for the first time, and i have both ATS and ETS 2 installedHello, please refer to this KB article:
13 hours ago, Titanic4 said:
As long as the non collision zone stays in Duisburg, I'm fine with the change. I'm sure that if the non collision zone is removed from Duisburg streets at that point, there would be chaos again near service area, affecting the nearby 1 lane street.
This No Collision Zone in Duisburg will remain for the foreseeable future.
12 hours ago, Gman95 said:Why do the TMP devs not work in tandem with SCS devs? It'd be a more seamless transition between versions. I thought SCS and TMP were tight.
This is not possible. We must wait until SCS Software releases the full update. Otherwise, we would be wasting time porting the multiplayer client to code that is guaranteed to change during the active development of the update. When the update is complete, we know the code is solid and we can port our multiplayer to the stable build. If we did port multiplayer during the active development, we would have to start from the beginning of the porting process when a new build is created.
1.40 is now supported on multiplayer! Please refer your comments to our new blog post:
// Topic locked.
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Towards the end of March, version 1.40 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator was released. Over the last four weeks, our developers have been working hard on porting our multiplayer client from version 1.39 to 1.40.
After much anticipation, we are excited to announce that TruckersMP is now compatible with version 1.40!
You can also view information on this update via our changelog forum topic.
What does this compatibility update include?
In anticipation of some popular questions, we have outlined what is included in our compatibility update, below:
- Euro Truck Simulator 2 version (64-bit) compatibility
- American Truck Simulator version (64-bit) compatibility
- ProMods Europe v2.55 support for 'ProMods' and 'ProMods Arcade' game servers
- ProMods Canada v1.0.1 support for all American Truck Simulator game servers
- Iberia DLC support (including No Collision Zone support at appropriate locations)
- World of Trucks 'Cruising Iberia' event support, including the 'Iberian Hunt' paint-job
- Support for the latest version of Spring Graphics/Weather modification (1.40 compatibility)
- Support for the Renault T 2021, including full synchronisation, and CB Radio
- Support for the Extended Chassis Update in American Truck Simulator
- Support for the Western Star 49X Update in American Truck Simulator
- Support for the #BestCommunityEver paint-jobs
- Updated the Scout vehicle and accessories for 1.40 compatibility
- Added a new Patron-exclusive Scout paint-job
- Reworked the Scout's Pilot paint-job
- Added a customised junction created by a previous Add-On Team member, between Rotterdam and Brussels, in an effort to improve traffic flow
- Reverted the custom Duisburg Services to default.
Of course, if you have a question this blog didn't answer, please feel welcome to post it on our forum topic! We will answer them at our earliest convenience.
Thank you to everyone for your patience over the last four weeks.
Happy trucking!
-TruckersMP Team
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9 hours ago, djigorpl said:Hello every one
I would Like to ask our developers a question. What is the result of the internal tests of new version ?
(i'm so sorry for my english. )
Tests are still ongoing. Critical bugs have been found - most have been resolved, but there are some minor outstanding issues.
A new build for ETS2 and ATS was released by SCS Software today, which we intend to support, but has pushed back our progress very slightly.
More tests will be necessary, but we are looking to be releasing 1.40 support very soon.
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9 hours ago, Deepren said:Would it be possible to know where is the development of the update of truckersmp 1.40? 50.70.90%? Because it's been a month since the ETS2 update was released and you announced in the post "1.40 Development update" that you have a few days left. A big thank you to all the truckersmp team and courage to you. I can't wait to be able to multi-ride with the new update.
Hello! Internal testing will begin tonight, so if it is successful, it could be out Monday/Tuesday. This is just an estimate, and the chance for setbacks in development is possible if there are critical bugs found.
15 hours ago, [GökBörü] Neptune said:
I have a very short question though. Will ProMods Canada 1.0.1 be supported for ATS 1.40 as well? Or will it be available shortly after the 1.40 update?
Yes, ProMods Canada will also be supported. This is estimated to be supported shortly after our initial 1.40 compatibility update, but if the porting process goes well, ProMods could be supported immediately.
13 hours ago, StateCA (NL) said:So now that Promods 2.55 is released. Is the aim going to change to support 2.55 immediately and skip 2.52?
And would Iberia DLC then be a mandatory requirement to play on the TMP promods server?
Yes, we are now aiming to support ProMods ETS2 v2.55 and ATS v1.0.1. I've updated the blog post now.
4 hours ago, HomerSimpson16 said:
Will there ever be a time when the Dev's will not be able to update to a new version in the future?
Also. Maybe is there are players who do updating as a full time job, is it worth hiring players to help port over to new versions if there are any who like that sort of thing?
It's very unlikely we won't be able to port our multiplayer modification to a new version. There will certainly always be new challenges presented in game versions, but our developers are great at analysing changes and resolving issues.
In regards to hiring a full time developer, it's not as easy as you think. The requirements to become a Game Developer here are extremely complex and rare. This forum post may help to clarify more on this:
4 hours ago, 3quertY12 said:Nice to see some information about the 1.40 update. That's a good idea to make threads for it and can't wait for the 1.40 update to be ported.
Will we get additional information later on when the update itself will be in the next phase of being playable?
We'll update our social media channels when there is a significant jump in progress.
2 hours ago, Lucky Duck said:What do the other 228 members of your team doing?
Two game devs who are qualified to do the port seems kind of low, wouldn't it be better to have more workers in the more critical depts? Especially considering they have personal commitments in the real world. I'm sure they'd appreciate it the help.
The requirements to become a Game Developer here are extremely complex and rare. This forum post may help to clarify more on this:
Hi! Thanks for your questions. Following up from what @Owen. and @LetiFreshi have already mentioned, I'd also like to respond to your concerns.
2 hours ago, Борислав said:"... although the TruckersMP Team consists of over 230 members, it's only our two Game Developers that have the knowledge..." - Why don't you invite more people to help those 2 with the proper knowedge and training? This game is world wide popular. Is it that hard to find IT entusiasts?
I will answer this by quoting a post by mwl4, from our 1.38 Development Update post:
"I have seen something about hiring somebody full-time to do TruckersMP. So keep in mind what I wrote in previous paragraph + we need someone who knows C++ (very very good) / Assembler (good) / Reverse Engineering (very good) / Game Engines overall / Specific Systems - Gameplay & Replication deeply. Finding someone with that knowledge in ETS2 environment / simulation game is really very hard. First problem is that somebody with that knowledge usually goes working to big companies as they pay quite good, and provide good working conditions. Or such person just starts his own business as he knows what he does.Though situation is better now. We have ShawnCZek now, who is able to write some game code. And we have now stable solutions in terms of cowork on the same project. Standard DevOps is set on TruckersMP which makes simpler making experimental builds, code is build everytime when pushed to repository, we have full pipeline."
2 hours ago, Борислав said:"Has the new lighting system affected the multiplayer porting process?
No, the updated lighting system introduced in 1.40 has not affected multiplayer in a substantial way. There are, however, some minor issues with our Scout vehicle's headlights/beacons, which will be resolved for our update." - If lighting is no problem to do, why not update to 1.40 and do Iberia and Scout after that? The cars are a menace/buggy anyway and most players don't even drive them. In other words - it won't be a big miss to turn them off for a while.I think you slightly misunderstood the point. This question was clarifying that the new lighting system introduced in 1.40 has not pushed back our development progress in any way. Therefore, we are working on porting to 1.40 already.
Iberia can be supported quite quickly because we actually only need to define the new prefabs to have No Collision Zone (company depots, etc).
The Scout lighting issues have actually already been fixed by our Add-On Team, so that's just waiting for the 1.40 port to be complete.
2 hours ago, Борислав said:"Why are you focusing on creating official events, instead of working on the new version?" - why indeed... There are no lasting benefits or good memories from participating in these anyway.
I'm not sure if you read the answer to this question already, but to keep it short - our progress towards porting to 1.40 is not affected by official events, so these will continue to be hosted as normal.
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We understand there is a lot of anticipation towards our multiplayer support for version 1.40, and with it, comes lots of questions. Therefore, we are happy to announce our Development Update 1.40, which will hopefully, answer your questions and concerns.
With American Truck Simulator 1.40 releasing on the 23rd of March, and Euro Truck Simulator 2 1.40 releasing on the 24th of March, our community have been anxiously awaiting TruckersMP's multiplayer support of the latest versions for three weeks.
Although our support is not yet ready, we wanted to be clear on our current progress, and answer some popular questions from the community.
Of course, if there are additional questions you would like to ask, you are welcome to post them on our forum topic. We will monitor the topic over the next few days and answer them as soon as possible.
So, without further delay, it's time to answer the most popular questions about the update!
When is multiplayer support for 1.40 expected to release?
A lot of effort has gone into porting the multiplayer modification already, but there is still a substantial amount of work to do. We are currently anticipating a release towards the end of April. This estimate can be extended if there are any setbacks during the process.
Why do these updates take so long?
Although a lot of the porting process has been automated over the years, there is still a lot of work to do manually.
Additionally, although the TruckersMP Team consists of over 230 members, it's only our two Game Developers that have the knowledge, skills, and tools to prepare the port from 1.39 to 1.40. In addition to them working on the update, they have personal commitments in the real world.
To support them as much as possible, the whole team will be participating in test builds during the porting process.
If you're curious about the process our Game Developers have to port our multiplayer modification to support the latest versions, check out mwl4's breakdown in our previous Development Update topic, here: 1.38 Development Update | Forum Post.
How can I stay up-to-date with information about 1.40 multiplayer support?
We will ensure you are informed by keeping our social media channels and information regularly updated.
You can check them out below:
TruckersMP News | Development Announcements (forums) | Discord | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
I already updated to 1.40, how can I play on the multiplayer servers?
As multiplayer does not support 1.40 yet, you will need to downgrade your game version.
We have provided a guide on how to downgrade your games to 1.39 here: How to downgrade
You can also view our video guide on how to downgrade, here: How To: Downgrade Your Game.
Will ProMods ETS2 v2.55 and ATS v1.0.1 be supported?
It is estimated that ProMods ETS2 v2.55 and ATS v1.0.1 will be supported shortly after our initial compatibility update for 1.40. Therefore, the ProMods multiplayer servers will be temporarily unavailable when the 1.40 compatibility support is initially released.
This is likely to only take a few additional days to support, whilst we make the necessary preparations.
Will 'Iberia' DLC be supported?
The new Iberia DLC will be supported, including No Collision Zone support in appropriate locations.
Will the World of Trucks 'Cruising Iberia' event be supported?
If the event has not already concluded, it will be supported when we release multiplayer compatibility for 1.40.
It's worth noting that the event will conclude on Tuesday the 11th of May at 23:59 UTC.
Has the new lighting system affected the multiplayer porting process?
No, the updated lighting system introduced in 1.40 has not affected multiplayer in a substantial way. There are, however, some minor issues with our Scout vehicle's headlights/beacons, which will be resolved for our update.
Are there any FMOD-related issues affecting the multiplayer porting process?
No! Since client version, issues related to the FMOD sound engine have been resolved. This will continue to be functioning correctly in multiplayer, in 1.40.
Will the Renault T 2021 be supported?
Yes, the Renault T 2021 will be supported, including full synchronisation, and CB Radio.
Will the Spring Graphics/Weather modification be supported in 1.40?
Yes. The Spring Graphics/Weather modification by Grimes has already been updated for 1.40 and will be supported in multiplayer. Our Knowledge Base article (How to install the Spring Mod?) will be updated to reflect the latest version, when our 1.40 compatibility support has been released.
Why are you focusing on creating official events, instead of working on the new version?
Although the TruckersMP Team consists of over 230 staff, each person has an area of the project to focus on. As such, official events are created by the Event Management and Event Team. They collectively spend thousands of hours to provide the community with fresh and exciting events.
However, the multiplayer port to 1.40 is an effort our two Game Developer's focus on. Presently, only mwl4 and ShawnCZek work on the game client, as they possess the knowledge, skills, and tools to prepare the port from 1.39 to 1.40
Why are you still focusing on the Alternating Vehicles project, instead of preparing 1.40 support?
Similar to our official events, we have staff working in our Add-On Management and Add-On Team, dedicated to preparing the vehicles every two weeks. This project does not affect the Game Development's progress on porting multiplayer to 1.40 in any way.
Why are new DLCs, such as paint jobs, supported within a few days, but major game versions take weeks/months?
Our Game Developers have spent a lot of time creating systems to automate a lot of the porting process. Fortunately, the majority of the work required to implement the latest DLCs is now automated, with manual work kept to a minimum.
However, major game versions, such as 1.40, still require a lot of manual work. New game versions introduce hundreds, sometimes even thousands of changes to the game code. All of these changes need to be reflected in the multiplayer code and updated accordingly. Although a lot of this process is automated, a large portion of these code changes need to be manually analysed and addressed, which takes hundreds of hours.
The game servers have been unstable recently, what's going on?
Our DevOps team are aware of the ongoing server stability issues in the past few weeks and are continuing to investigate. Unfortunately, as explained in a recent Status update, the datacentre some of our game servers were located suffered a fire, which resulted in a lot of interruption to our European game servers.
Although our servers are now back at full capacity, there remain some stability issues that are out of our control.
We are in contact with our server provider and are actively looking into solutions to resolve the issues.
This concludes our development update for 1.40 multiplayer compatibility.
Although there are still a few days to go, we are all very excited to see you online in 1.40, and cannot wait to wave to you as we pass along the roads of Iberia. Our appreciation goes out to everyone showing support to the team - your words of encouragement are what keep us going!
Your patience and understanding are appreciated! Thank you.
-TruckersMP Team
9 minutes ago, Tygrysek520 said:
Uhm...on ETS 2 Map I can see some new countries like Iraq, Egypt etc. but I don't have them in game on signle player and multiplayer aswell. Does anyone have the same?
Hi, I believe it's part of the Middle-East pack for ProMods 2.51:
1 hour ago, rubentransporting said:
But when I play on a other profile, than MP is working fine, but when I go than back to 'change profile', than it crashes. And, anyway, I want to play gladly on my own profile, on that profile I have the most money and XP, so on the other profile I'm skeer and low talented.
Can I solve this?
Thank you everybody for helping me!!!!!!
This has been a known bug for some time. It is not strictly related to the 1.39 combability update. The solution is to restart your game to change profile, then re-connect to our servers.
Today we have received the following hotfixes to fix game client fatal errors, and compatibility with a new version of American Truck Simulator.
- Steering wheel accessories causing a game client fatal error [Hotfix #1]
- CB Radio missing in Scout and truck cabins [Hotfix #1]
- American Truck Simulator version (64-bit) is now supported [Hotfix #2]
5 Released
in Archived
For customising the in-game user interface, you may want to check out this guide: