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Retired Legend
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Status Updates posted by Digital

  1. Happy Birthday, you Legend! ?

  2. Anyone like to see behind the scenes videos?


    Here's one for the Real Ops V7 Teaser video back in July 2019!

    In this particular clip, I was practising the best angle and speed for the perfect shot!

  3. The TMP6 Freeroam server is now closed! Thank you everyone for playing over the last 6 years, it has been amazing!


    Stay tuned in the next few days as we announce our next upcoming event. I think you will be very excited when you find out what's in store. :) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chemistry_TMP


      Closed.. ;( I miss TMP7 server.

    3. MarkON


      I look forward to next event.

      I hope that you will publish ? teaser/trailer in social media TruckersMP.

    4. Geology Rocks

      Geology Rocks

      It was a great server. next time make it so  /fix all time time not after 600 seconds to make it even more dangerous XD 

  4. I've written a new guide explaining all of the event server configuration options! :) 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. [GTR - 002] Driver

      [GTR - 002] Driver

      Very detailed explanation, thank you.?

    3. Geology Rocks

      Geology Rocks

      Thank you that would be very helpful

    4. ChristianD.


      thanks that was very helpful?

  5. I'll be booting up the TMP6 Freeroam server in just 10 minutes!


    Enjoy! ❤️ 

  6. If you missed the Event Management after-show speech concluding the TMP6 Festival, you can hear it here! :)

    @Matt #CarLadMatt @Whitelodge



  7. Happy 6th Anniversary! ❤️

    If this status gets 6 likes, I'll post a teaser of tonight's festival! ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Digital


      Okay here is the teaser of tonight!!!



    3. antrax737


      But we have to downgrade ats, dealbreaker when you are actually playing the game and already own 3 Anthems :(



      Happy 6th Anniversary ?

  8. Easter Egg Hunt 2020 Results are coming tomorrow! I know many of you are excited, but in the meantime, why not watch our after movie? 


  9. The Racing Championship server is now closed! We kept it online for a few days extra as a lot of you wanted to continue to racing.

    We were very happy to see you all enjoy the tracks!


    1. DeyDoNN


      Thanks for keeping the server open so far ❤️ 

    2. Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Thank you for bringing us such a good racing event!:wub:

    3. Guest


      Thank you for bringing me such a good race. I wish you a happy truck every day.:tmp:

  10. Congratulations to @V4ltamah on becoming the Autumn 2019 Racing Champion! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    3. PUSHROD


      @V4ltamah.url@V4ltamah You had that hammer down! Good job. :)

    4. PUSHROD


      Thanks Digital & the team it was a blast!! Nail bitter watching those trucks roll hard.?

  11. Met so many amazing people at Insomnia65 today!! It was my first time to Insomnia so thanks everyone that made it awesome...



    1. Courtz49


      Was lovely to see you ❤️

  12. At Insomnia65 with @courtz49 and TruckersFM crew! ;)

  13. We're looking for more convoy control support for our official events! If you're interested in joining the team to help, you're welcome to apply. :)


    More information here: 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Der Joey

      Der Joey

      Hey Digital, I'm still thinking about when to join the TMP Team :ph34r:


      @Chris2306 Thank you! :wub:

    3. Shayrin
    4. Baldemar TR

      Baldemar TR

      somebody say , need cc boss ?  :troll:

  14. It was great meeting a fan of TMP official events at Peterborough truckfest yesterday.


    Cheers for the cuppa, @Explore Transport!




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guest


      The pictures are very nice:wub:

    3. [ IN ] RoadKing999
    4. Space Night

      Space Night

      You're welcome Digital.  


      Hope you had a safe drive back

  15. LIVE STREAMING Bowling in Peterborough with TMP Team and members (:



  16. @Wheezy @Forerunner and me about to start the first game of bowling in Peterborough!



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. s0b1esk1_86


      I`m coming also in Peterborough (Monday)

    3. Aek177


      Have fun guys! :P

    4. Guest


      Play happy:D

  17. Me (left) and Mini_Dave (right) with our in-game trucker masks I made! ;)



  18. Great to see so many of you celebrating TMP5 and enjoying the freeroam server the past 5 days! Unfortunately, it is now time for it to close.


    It's been a blast. I spent at least 30 hours playing on it myself and watching you guys have fun.


    For some of us, though, the celebrations have only just begun. Myself and some members of the TMP Team will be heading to Peterborough to meetup at the truckfest this weekend. We'll spend time with SCS Software, meet lots of TMP members, and have a great laugh. I'm sure there will be lots of photos and updates coming!

    1. davidd.


      Thanks for such an amazing opportunity! It's been great fun. Here's to another 5 years! :tmp:

    2. Skycouto_


      Thank you Digital for the opportunity. This will be unforgettable. :tmp:

  19. 13" Pizza - the correct way to celebrate such a successful weekend.


    Thank you all so much for joining TMP5 celebrations, we had a huge turnout and I couldn't be happier! <3



    1. DJ Jefferz

      DJ Jefferz

      All about the inches!!!!! ;);) 

    2. SupiUK


      Enjoy mate, safe to say you and the team deserve it! Thank you. 

  20. Hey everyone. I hope you're excited for TruckersMP 5 year anniversary celebrations!


    If you were unsure what the rules were for our TMP5 Freeroam server coming up in a few days, this has been clarified here:



  21. Today marked my 3 year anniversary in the TruckersMP Team! It's been an incredible journey, and I've accomplished more than I could have ever dreamed.


    It all began as a Forum Moderator, followed by In-Game Administrator (IGA), Media Team, IGA Leader, Community Manager, and now Event Manager.


    I've worked with many talented people over the years and I'm so happy to be a part of this trucking family!


    Thanks to everyone for everything you do, to make my thousands of hours spent working in the project, really worth it. :wub:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. [BEARS] Respect

      [BEARS] Respect

      Congratulations! Thank you for what you're doing!

    3. TruckerJ
    4. [ IN ] RoadKing999

      [ IN ] RoadKing999

      Congratulations Digital. :wub:

  22. Another successful event we are proud to support! 


  23. Welcome to the forums! Congratulations again on becoming Racing Champion. :wub:

  24. Real Operations V6 has been such a blast!


    Every minute was worth the restless nights and headaches the last few days.


    The event wouldn't have been possible without the incredible team we have here at TruckersMP. Here are some of the dedicated team which worked so hard to bring this beautiful community exactly the kind of events it deserves.




    And after 3 years, we brought back Europoort.






    The traffic stretched from Europoort, all the way to north of Amsterdam on the A7. From what I remember, that is almost double what it used to be 3 years ago. Amazing!

    1. [WT] AlexXX

      [WT] AlexXX

      #BringBackEuropoort :truestory:

    2. SuperMouse


      #BringBackEuroport Great great event!

    3. [ IN ] RoadKing999

      [ IN ] RoadKing999

      You guys put a great effort. Thank you all the team who worked for this event. Hope to see more exciting events in the future.

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