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Retired Legend
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by Digital

  1. Hey, happy birthday! ??

    1. Digital


      Thank you! ?

  2. Happy Birthday Digital! ? :love: ❤️ 

  3. Happy birthday Digital! Hope you have a great day! ?

    1. Digital


      Thank you! ?

  4. Happy Birthday! ???? Thank you for everything that you've done to help TruckersMP!

  5. Happy Birthday  ?

  6. Guest

    Guest    Digital

    Happy B-Day!

  7. Happy birthday boss ❤️ 

    1. Digital


      Thank you! ?

  8. Happy Birthday our Project Coordinator ?❤️ 


    All best for you,

    Best Regards,

    RedWolf [CZ] 

    HR Staff of GB I TruckersMP Veteran Driver II 

  9. Happy birthday,dear Digital!❤️

  10. Happy Birthday mate! ??

    1. Digital


      Thank you! ? 

  11. hello forums! hope everyone has a lovely sunny tuesday ??

  12. Anyone like to see behind the scenes videos?


    Here's one for the Real Ops V7 Teaser video back in July 2019!

    In this particular clip, I was practising the best angle and speed for the perfect shot!

  13. The 1.38 topic should be closed, let the devs work on the update! 

    1. Digital


      If an individual causes any issues there, it will be dealt with appropriately.


      Ultimately, the topic will stay open to allow everyone to voice their opinion and ask questions.


      I've just posted a small update on the current progress. :) 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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