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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About ravdor.

  • Birthday April 14

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Katowice, Silesia
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Poland: Katowice
  • Known languages
    Polish, English

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  1. Happy Birthday! 

  2. Happy Birthday!  :HaulieLove:❤️ 

  3. Happy Birthday🎂

  4. Is there any way to get all viewpoints & photo trophies in ETS 2 and ATS?
  5. ravdor.

    Help XD

    Okay, if no one answers, the topic can be closed. Thank you to all the people who helped me, really! Have a nice day
  6. ravdor.

    Help XD

    I have such a question. Is it possible to change the total driven distance on duty? Because I changed it above, but I can't find the other one and I have 5,522 miles on it and I want to change it. And one more question: can you change the most used truck? Because I have had a new truck for a long time and I still have the old one most used.
  7. Ok, you can close it, thank you for your help!
  8. Hello. Is it possible to change the number of total distance traveled on duty and the types of trucks used for work and the most frequently used truck in the save game files? Because I currently have a new one and it still says it's the old one.
  9. Tak jak w temacie. Gdy chciałem sobie porobić te nowe eventy, które teraz wyszły i jak wchodzę w zlecenia zewnętrze to żadnych zleceń na terenach Bałkanów nie mam. Jedynie, gdy np. byłem w Rijece to mi się tylko pokazywały zlecenia zewnętrzne z Triestu. Proszę o szybką pomoc! Pozdrawiam
  10. Yes
  11. Is there any way to remove recently used commands under (~) in ETS 2/ATS?
  12. ravdor.


    Tak temat można zamknąć, dziękuję za pomoc
  13. ravdor.


    Gdzie mógłbym złożyć skargę na gracza?
  14. Thank you all for your wishes 😀

  15. Happy birthday 🎊 

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