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[Интегра] ResTed

Game Moderator
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[Интегра] ResTed last won the day on September 14 2016

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About [Интегра] ResTed

  • Birthday 08/28/1988

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  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
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    France: Lyon
  • Known languages
    English, Russian

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  1. Game moderator banned me for no reason! No evidence!


    Such messages are probably the most popular in appeals. But I'd like to be clear for situations like this and hope you can help spread this so that as many players as possible know how it works.

    So, a game moderator is a difficult and responsible position, so the likelihood of errors decreases with experience. Our main work is focused on three main areas:
    1. Work on the server online
    2. Working with game reports
    3. Working with reports on website.

    The first two points have one drawback - we physically cannot add evidence for a ban immediately after this ban. if we did this, it would take too much time and our work on the server would be unproductive. Thus, proofs are added after the session on the server or a little later. Why later? We are volunteers and we also have a private life, so the session in the game can end late and we need to rest. Of course, we can shorten the session, but this will again lead to less activity in the game and we will again see messages "admins are sleeping"))
    It's really hard to find a balance for these things, but I know that the chances of you being banned by mistake are very small and wrong bans are fixed almost immediately.
    Therefore, if someone does not understand the reason for the ban, just write an appeal and the moderator will add evidence and explain the reason. But there is no reason to accuse you of being banned for no reason, just wait for the moderator to get to your appeal, because it is not the only one.


    I also want to thank those who understand this and supports our work in the game chat, we see your messages - thank you.

    If you have any questions - you can ask them below, I will try to answer them, but remember, I can not tell everything.

    Have a nice day and happy trucking!

    1. Fast-rider


      If more people would know this before they get banned, it could actually reduce the hate you guys get as Game Moderators. But I also see it nearly every day on the TMP Discord server... people complain why the evidence hasn't been added 5 Minutes after they got banned ingame or why they are already waiting 5 hours for a response in their appeal. You sadly can't explain them the reason to most of them, as they are too mad at that time. I hope many people who didn't already know, read this status update :HaulieLove:

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