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[Интегра] ResTed

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[Интегра] ResTed last won the day on September 14 2016

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About [Интегра] ResTed

  • Birthday 08/28/1988

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  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
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    France: Lyon
  • Known languages
    English, Russian

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  1. Hello.
    How are you doing? I did some analysis among the appeals and would like to share my thoughts on it.

    So, for me there is such a thing as 'empty ban'. What it is? This is a ban that a player receives from the void where it could have been avoided. For example: someone cut you and you insulted him, you get such a ban, because insults are not allowed.

    I often ask such people: okay, you wrote an insult, but what has changed? How does your insult affect what has already happened? Someone knows the answer, but many begin to look for excuses. No. What for? It is quite obvious that insults do not affect what has already happened, then why write it in the game chat? Think and ask your friends to think the same way before writing any insult.


    What do you think about this? Maybe one of you will answer: how does an insult affect?

    Perhaps you have an interesting question for a similar post regarding other things?

    1. ScaniaFan89


      simply put, the same reason people do it irl...you dont see people getting arrested 24/7 because they shouted something or flipped someone off ( i watch a lot of dash cam videos ) its a release of fusgratiom, disbelief, annoyance etc!

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