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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. this is a old story in everygame, I play SAMP with tons of mods, cars, textures, cleo mods and my ping is normal lol btw I have focused only in replacement mods (skins, textures and not trailers, trucks) and in mods that improves the graphics, mods is the key to keep players playing ets 2 after 2 years, even ETS 2 MP is a mod lol
  2. Suggestion Name: Ability to add mods that doesn't give any advantage in ETS 2 Suggestion Description: Since I liked the winter mod in ets 2 mp (and I tried to modify it, it wasn't possible when I tried to run the game, nice work on that guys) it would be nice if we could add mods improving the graphics and other stuff (replacement skins, [i said replacement skins, not standalone skins] xenon lights, sound mods, etc) without giving any advantage, or the ETS2 MP staff (Admins) could create some kind of friendly mods list for ETS 2 MP (mods that we could add in the login screen) Any example images: here is some exemples: http://ets2.lt/en/improved-weather-reload-r5/ http://ets2.lt/en/flares-by-rpedersen-v-1-4/ Why should it be added?: it will give a better experience for us players PS: I'm aware of words like "we don't support mods", but I tried, and think about the Improved Weather mod lol, gl to myself
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