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Veteran Driver VII
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About AlecksDeeHD

  • Birthday 02/03/2000

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  • Location
  • Interests
    ETS2MPp, Fornite, CSGO, FIFA20 & Minecraft
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London
  • Known languages
    English, Spanish

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  1. Can i have my bans that are more than 12 months old removed from my profile or do they have to stay there forever?

    1. -VOYVODA-


      no mate they been delete one years later . you your ban at profıle but ıt dont have a mean.  only permament ban stay forever

      you see your ban ı mean

      offf ı mean they wıll stay at there , but no mean .

    2. Smoky


      Hello, it's not possible to let the bans on your profile "disappear", the ones that are older than 12 months old won't count for history bans anymore. (yellow dot). However, if a ban is incorrect it will be "removed", but you'll still see it with a red dot.

    3. AlecksDeeHD


      I see. Just wondered if the actual ban disappears eventually. maybe not ;)


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