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A random Elk (D)

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by A random Elk (D)

  1. Service: You can download the update via starting the app as administrator. However the game will tell you, that you have an invalid client and you should redownload. I have no fix for that.


    Edit: There is another update for ets2mp and atsmp but still invalid game client. (20:38 in Germany)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. B1MM3R


      I just update MP once more after prompt window when starting TruckersMP client and it is working now.

    3. Luigi1474
    4. spiritmark1


      Apologize for the late reply @Luigi1474 only just seen the message glad you got it working ?

  2. Is there currently a problem with the event server? I get kicked there for high (600ms+) ping but I have a ping of 30-40ms on EU2

    1. RichManSCTV
    2. dragonslayingmaster1000


      Same here as soon as I join. If you're using wifi maybe try uninstalling wifi in device manager and restart your computer, all I can think of but it's probably on their side because I had no problems in europoort but I'm suddenly being kicked in uk.

    3. RichManSCTV


      Its an issue with the server

  3. The calais exit is complety blocked of by a player with the number 714. Dont go to calais as there seem to be no admins on eu2. 

  4. Scania V8 for ever

    1. NeoSpex


      Scania, King of Road. Best to best!.

    2. scaNIaCK
  5. waiting for conect sine 10 minutes...

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