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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About David.Ikaël

  • Birthday 07/04/2000

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  • Gender
  • Location
    France - Brittany
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Not set
  • Known languages
    English, French, Spanish

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  1. Happy birthday and many happy and peaceful years my friend. ?

  2. Happy Birthday David!  ?

  3. Not been here for 3 years ?!...

    Might come back for Promods :)

  4. My little late participation for this week. ATS: ETS2:
  5. Oh thank you for the 1st place and thank you for the comments truckers! Congrats to the other winners
  6. For this month, I decided to show you 2 pictures of ATS. "Apocalyspe" : "Arizona" :
  7. Well, I have uploaded more than 3,500 pictures (ETS 2 and ATS pictures) on Steam... So I have choice ! 1- Euro Truck Simulator 2 : 2- American Truck Simulator :
  8. Suggestion Name: ATSMP Map Suggestion Description: I don't know if you are already working on it, but it would be very nice to have this website for ATSMP. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: It is very convenient : - When I want to drive in ETS2MP, I like to watch where are the players before run the game. So I go to this website and I look where are the truckers (I don't really like to go to a city where it has a ton of truckers, so I always check the map). I would like to see this for ATSMP, so I can watch where are the truckers in each server. - With the website, you can see all the roads, companies, etc. of the map. You can zoom, and if you are searching something on the map, you can go to the website instead of run the game (and with the website, there is a "Search" tab, which is very convenient too). Thank you, David040700.
  9. Bienvenu à tous ! J'espère qu'il y aura plein de joli monde ici, dans la communauté française Mais bon, vu qu'il y a déjà @I<3VODKA c'est parfait ! xD Et si non, j'espère qu'il y aura une bonne entente entre tous les membres !
  10. lu et approuvé ! Au passage, je trouve ce nouveau "design" très très beau Rien à dire
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