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Veteran Driver VII
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About Pookie

  • Birthday 09/28/1996

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Faroe Islands
  • Interests
    trucks, busy places
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Duisburg
  • Known languages
    English, Faroese and Danish

TruckersMP Information

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  1. Thank you man, that fixed for me
  2. Right, so truckersmp ain't working for me. When I launch the game, this comes up https://gyazo.com/825d6fc3fe3d4ab134c2303d48055eae When I reinstall it, it downloads it in like 1 second then this comes up again...
  3. how the fook he ended up there I will never know! https://gyazo.com/cb6c2c7b85e7f5395cadcfa295a4c194

    1. Sticky


      His tag says he's recording so let's hope he show us the footage :P

  4. Right so hey guys, what's going on?

    1. Pookie


      Feel bad man, he is very good dj

  5. Well, there is an ets2 discount...

    Better be ready for the :troll:s.


    1. tfmpillow


      I think it's because of the Heavy Freights DLC coming out soon™

  6. Hello boys and girls

  7. How is everyone doing today

    1. Guest


      Well was hoping to become a moderator or the forum but guess not. my chances are gone. 

    2. Pookie


      It is quite rare to get it the first time. Just keep trying and working hard and you will defo get. Good luck! @Firefighter3861

    3. Guest


      Yea stuff takes time to get up the ladder but while the recruitment has ended this gives me time to make more posts and reply to requests as well as help those who request it. All is good. 

  8. @BlocKing I tried some of the fixed on there and it worked! Thanks @iBrunoFTW Appreciate the help my man @Exfamous
  9. So I try open truckersmp and this happens each time. How can I fix? Many thanks
  10. So I try open truckersmp and this happens each time.
  11. Thanks!
  12. Ok nvm I found thanks to friend of mine. I was doing external contracts EDIT: Thanks for the help guys
  13. Well, when I get a trailer it is capped at 55 mph and I can't go faster? I see lots of people speeding ahead of me and going faster so can someone please tell me how to fix? Many thanks, Pookie
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