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Veteran Driver X
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Status Updates posted by Duczo

  1. greetings to the driver who will be banned for ramming 




  2. Happy St Patrick's Day

  3. §2.17 Excessive Save Editing

    The 0 ton trailer mod is not allowed since it looks like speedhack.

    when will someone remove it? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Duczo
    3. Gun Powder

      Gun Powder

      Well, but it is clear that it is the only load with 0 Ton, so I do not see that this rule is applied for a single load, everything must remain the same.

    4. RapidFellow


      Wait... you did not edit anything / using any mods? :huh:

      That's new to me... interesting

  4. Oddać kaganiec na ATS :excl:

  5. Happy Patrick's Day :)

    1. Beefy32659_YT


      Happy Patrick's Day to you too! ;)

  6. Happy St. Patrick day

    1. Creatured


      totaly forgot that it was st patrick day i need to get me a green bowtie quick smart \

  7. new update on birthday ^^

  8. Players: 204/2500 (8%) and do not want to connect to the game !

    1. arusf2011 [PL/EN]

      arusf2011 [PL/EN]

      it is going to disconnect all the people. servers i think were down.

    2. MajorKowallsky
  9. give someone does not need equipment for steam?

  10. Panowie dobra robota

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