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Dood_ last won the day on September 16 2015

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  1. 073 110 032 050 048 050 049 044 032 119 101 032 097 114 101 032 116 104 105 110 107 105 110 103 032 116 111 032 104 097 118 101 032 097 032 112 097 105 100 032 100 101 118 101 108 111 112 101 114 032 119 104 105 099 104 032 119 111 117 108 100 032 098 101 032 118 101 114 121 032 098 101 110 101 102 105 099 105 097 108 032 116 111 032 112 114 111 118 105 100 101 032 110 101 119 032 102 101 097 116 117 114 101 115 032 102 111 114 032 101 118 101 114 121 111 110 101 032 116 111 032 101 110 106 111 121 033 In 2021, we are thinking to have a paid developer which would be very beneficial to provide new features for everyone to enjoy!
  2. My ten sam post czytalismy?
  3. Wejdź do folderu Euro Truck Simulator 2 w dokumentach. Folder profiles nazwij np. profiles_1.41. Zmień nazwe folderu profiles( (bądź innego jaki masz, ale żeby było 1.41.coś w nawiasie) na profiles. Stracisz cały postęp jaki zrobiłeś na 1.41 i wrócisz do stanu sprzed update'u.
  4. W ATSie każda ciężarówka jest jako osobny plik "dlc". W ATSie w Cascadii bądź Macku (albo i w obu, nie pamiętam już) też nie ma.
  5. czemu slaba? ruch uliczny, wsparcie modow (w przyszlosci), synchronizowana pogoda. na forum sa dziesiatki postow proszacych o te elementy.
  6. Based on your experience and an educated guess, do you think the new lighting engine could make some problems while updating the mod or the render engine does not affect the mod?
  7. I thought the better solution would be disabling the command as was done with warp for example, not the camera which is useful for many things.
  8. @Junk You've got 4 trailers (B-trailer, normal with hook, dolly and normal) and limit is 3
  9. Because they don't want you driving it.
  10. Actually, we don't since there's 0 communication beside "when it's done" and that tweet a weak ago that said they will be testing.
  11. Because they develop gta online money hacks and rockstar doesn't like that you have an option to mod milions of in-game money instead of paying them.
  12. Most special characters are displayed wrong, for example there is "Micha³ "mwl4"" instead of Michał
  13. czysto nie było, ale wykonalne https://youtu.be/tbYcKzE_bws raz wyszło lepiej ale nie nagrywałem, to powiedzmy że to nagrane to moje najlepsze
  14. Are you considering allowing some of the workshop mods, that'd be harmlessly working client-side like Realistic Vehicle Lights or SiSL's flat UI?
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