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Half Blood Prince

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. Half Blood Prince's post in Unban :/ was marked as the answer   
    If you made an appeal , then you should wait for Wooqash to see your appeal. 
    There is no benefit of creating a topic on forums.
  2. Half Blood Prince's post in Unban problems? was marked as the answer   
    Yep , its UTC +3
  3. Half Blood Prince's post in Cars? was marked as the answer   
    Hello , 
    Go to any truck dealer. And then you will see the ''Scout'' on top left. You can buy it from there.
    But you can only drive it on Eu2 and Eu3 servers. Eu1 is not allowed for normal players. And you can not use the police skin. You can use pilot and other paints.
  4. Half Blood Prince's post in Cant play ETS 2 Multiplayer was marked as the answer   
    You need to activate the game on Steam.
  5. Half Blood Prince's post in Problem after being banned was marked as the answer   
    Hello mate.
    I will talk to Kat_pw. He will fix it. Please be patient thanks
  6. Half Blood Prince's post in My account isn't getting activated for ATS... was marked as the answer   
    In order to activate your games at TruckersMP.com you must have at least 2 hours of play time on Steam for either Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator.
    We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we introduced this limit to restrict accounts made only to create havoc for other players.
    Further readings:
    - in game rules: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/115-in-game-rules/
    - new ban system: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/25751-changes-to-the-ban-process/
    Thank you for your comprehension.
  7. Half Blood Prince's post in Issues with the speed limiter (stuck to 90kph with trailer) was marked as the answer   
    You are taking jobs from World of Trucks. That's why you can't go over 90km/h.
  8. Half Blood Prince's post in can't see any jobs. was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at this topic : 
  9. Half Blood Prince's post in Why?? i dont understand was marked as the answer   
    Your ban expires at : 22.20
    Topic locked and moved to solved.
  10. Half Blood Prince's post in Quick Teleporting, ferry and Train are broken was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at this topic.
  11. Half Blood Prince's post in Having problems linking ATS was marked as the answer   
    Hello @CallzumJG ,
    As ı can see from your steam profile you played ATS for 0.4 hours. You need to play 2 hours to link your game. Please play 1.6 more hours then it will work
  12. Half Blood Prince's post in Call assistance service black screen? was marked as the answer   
    Hello mate , 
    Take a look at this topic please : 
  13. Half Blood Prince's post in site does not check the ATS in my account was marked as the answer   
    Hello . 
    In order to activate your games at TruckersMP.com you must have at least 2 hours of play time on Steam for either Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator.
    Moved to help.
  14. Half Blood Prince's post in Allowed mod, but give me kick was marked as the answer   
    This happened to me yesterday also. I talked to mod's owner. And he said he is going to fix the wheels of trailer. Then we will be able to play with that mod. 
  15. Half Blood Prince's post in I did everything the guides tells me to do. was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at this topic.
  16. Half Blood Prince's post in ETS2 Doesnt work anymore. was marked as the answer   
    Make sure you are not already running it on task manager. And verify the game of cache.
  17. Half Blood Prince's post in ATS truckersmp registration problem.. was marked as the answer   
    Hello , 
    When i check your profile , you have already linked American Truck Simulator. Can you try it again ?
  18. Half Blood Prince's post in problem with logging in was marked as the answer   
    It is because of World of Trucks services under maintenance. We have nothing to do with it. Just click on  continue to offline mod and keep playing. I believe they will work that out soon. 
  19. Half Blood Prince's post in MP Add ons was marked as the answer   
    Hello @sisipie3, 
    When i check your profile ı see you can not join the MP. Are you getting a error like '' You need to downgrade '' something ? If you do please follow this path. 
    In order to play TruckersMP you must install the latest version of the TruckersMP mod and be sure you have selected:
    NONE - Opt out of all beta programs in STEAM > Library >  Euro Truck Simulator 2 > Right Click > Properties > BETAS for Euro Truck Simulator 2
    Edit : He was in-game. Best answer marked. Locked  & moved to solved.

  20. Half Blood Prince's post in MP crash whit new wheel.. was marked as the answer   
    Topic moved to help.
    @Kcetin20 Did you try turning off the vibration ?
  21. Half Blood Prince's post in ETS2MP doesnt work :( was marked as the answer   
    Hello , 
    Please have a look at this guide about how to install the game.
    If, after watching the guide you still have the problem, please reply.
    If this not works delete whole Truckers.mp folders in your documents and try again.
  22. Half Blood Prince's post in I need help was marked as the answer   
    Hello mate , 
    Can you try with a new profile ? 
  23. Half Blood Prince's post in My Ban didn't expired! was marked as the answer   
    Hello @EmREKT ,
    Your ban Expires : Today, 22:08.
  24. Half Blood Prince's post in I can not play multiplayer because that does not look for the goods online was marked as the answer   
    There is nothing we can do from here. If you can not accses your account on World of Trucks as said above you neee to create a topic on SCS forum. I hope you will figure out your problem as soon as possible. 
  25. Half Blood Prince's post in Report player for ramming was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Overland , 
    Please take a look at this topic : 
    Edit : You keep writing his TruckersMP ID. I know it says '' Error '' but its same for everyone. Just write his ID and create the report.
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