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Veteran Driver VII
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About whiskeyo

  • Birthday 11/11/1998

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    Poland, Dzierżoniów

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Community Answers

  1. I can't tower that people are that stupid...

    1. Pierdus


      wez kurwo pierdolona grifowałeś mi gre cały dzien jestem macius wstałem diziaj rano z dobrym chumorkiem a ty kurwo zniszczyles mi caly dzien 5 ladunkuw wszystkie zniszczone sejuw nie mam bo mi sie miejsce zniszczylo trak rozjebvany w 100% zajebiscie zniszczyles mi rzycie ty kurwop ierdoloa zajebie cie

  2. whiskeyo

    DLC ETS 2

    Następnym razem napisz temat w odpowiednim dziale, żeby nie robić niepotrzebnej roboty Moderatorom i przeczytaj regulamin, bo dużo z niego się dowiesz
  3. U mnie stanowisko nie jest jakieś rozbudowane, zwykle grywałem w FPSy, w ETS2 nie gram od zbyt długiego czasu, dlatego niestety nie mam kierownicy, jednak pad bezprzewodowy pod X360 wystarcza Uprzedzam Was, ta piłka nie jest do rugby, tylko do futbolu amerykańskiego i znalazła się u mnie po X Superfinale PLFA (Polska Liga Futbolu Amerykańskiego), dlatego traktuje ją jako pewnego rodzaju pamiątkę
  4. At first try to verify game cache on Steam, go to Library, right mouse button on ETS2, Properties and there you have it.
  5. whiskeyo

    Convoy Licence

    But you could describe it more precisely, how those points you mentioned would behave etc.
  6. whiskeyo

    Convoy Licence

    It's -1 from me, I don't see the point of special license for convoys, after ETS2 sale on Steam there are more and more players coming to MP, it means that there will be more companies, especially smaller ones. They have to start somewhere and prove others that they are good enough to start convoys. What the hell happens with justifications recently... Tell us what it will introduce to the game, try to convince us, don't write "It has to be added" or "It's good", because it lowers your suggestion's opportunity of getting into MP.
  7. whiskeyo


    As TruCkDr1V3r said, showing stuff which isn't yours (in this case DLCs of SCS) without someone's permission is stealing copyrights, that's why they can't show paintings. But as SCS said, they'll probably work on MP for ATS, so it's very possible that in ATS you'd be able to see buyable stuff without paying for it.
  8. ^You're actually wrong, players' ping doesn't affect if server is stable or unstable, don't compare different games, because even what you wrote about CS:GO is wrong, not all players have lags due to one guy with high ping, they see him lagging, so teleporting a little, behavior of other players with low ms is still normal.
  9. Can't wait to see "Rejected" in this topic, don't know why people keep suggesting the same stuff for thousand times... If you really want to get this introduced into the game, then write a post on SCS forum, it's not MP developers' job.
  10. Already suggested few times, it was rejected as you may see. Imagine what would happen if trolls started abusing it, sorry, but I don't like this suggestion
  11. AI traffic is turned off in multiplayer, since it cannot be introduced into this mod. You may meet only other players on the roads, but it's happening all the time, there is no feeling of void And do what Adde said, complete few quick jobs and then come to multiplayer with your own truck. See you in game!
  12. That part quoted by Owl, it's really hilarious And what about this suggestion? Just go to EU#2, developers won't change something because of one person who dislikes it.
  13. ^Are you actually playing MP or SP? Because it seems that you don't follow our forum, yesterday has been added winter mod which literally covers all markings on the roads and you can turn it off if you want, nobody forces you to use mods. What about bugs? You may find one in game, but if you report it, developers have time to pick another one, don't worry about bugs
  14. I also agree with SARAJ and Dancool000, people who are ignoring forum would finally catch some information about rules in traffic, yes from me!
  15. ^No problem, but it'd be nice if changed physics would be enabled on EU3
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