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Veteran Driver IV
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About lukestephens2393

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  1. yeah I'm on the correct steam haven't given out my password to anyone else
  2. I can sign into the multiplayer for Euro Truck Simulator 2 without any problems but not American Truck Simulator
  3. yeah I can sign into the website but not the Multiplayer
  4. that just takes me to the home page
  5. I've entered the correct email address and password but it keeps saying invalid email and/or password even though its the right details
  6. been 2 days and still no response
  7. I submitted a support ticket two days ago and have heard nothing back. Ticket tracking ID: SND-7ZH-QAQ7
  8. yes and reinstalled the mod several times
  9. The multiplayer wont recognize my mouse now the game isnt frozen it just doesnt recognise my mouse now cant move it when i go to click a profile it works fine on the single player version
  10. game loads up to the profile selection screen and when i go to click a profile i cant move my mouse i can only ctrl + alt + delete to close it
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