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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Pattie[NL]

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam

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  1. Just found my way back to my forum account. I am sincerely greeting you.  I hope you and your family are doing well. I am finding my way back to the multiplayer and this forum. When I think back of all those past years on multiplayer, warm feelings are entering me. 


    Hope to see you here or on the multiplayer!


    Best honks, Pattie

    1. MrHarv98


      Thank you pattie, Yeah i play now and then, hit me up on discord or steam. I hope you are well too. Thank you for the wishes and thoughts.


      Sorry i dont visit the forum often :P 

  2. Just found my way back to my forum account. I am sincerely greeting you. :) I hope you and your family are doing well. I am finding my way back to the multiplayer and this forum. When I think back of all those past years on multiplayer, warm feelings are entering me. 


    Hope to see you here or on the multiplayer!


    Best honks, Pattie

  3. I want the first option and I am sure many others will too.
  4. I wish everyone on the forum and all the mod users a nice Christmas! :tmp:

    1. ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

      ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

      Have a Nice Christmas Pattie, see you on my festive convoy ! Because you love the convoy xD

    2. stilldre1976


      Merry xmas Pattie hope ur having a great one :D

  5. anyone having the same problem that you install the new update but still can't launch because the game says there is a new update?

    1. James 12

      James 12

      open the auto updater and check for available updates

    2. Digital


      And make sure you're not using your old shortcuts.

  6. What a great day, server status of EU2 back to 2800 players. Thank you Mp team!

  7. Everyone's game getting crashed when entering Rotterdam!

  8. Just found out you can drive past the tollbooths in Poland without paying :)

    1. Quinten462


      Yeah i found that too yesterday xD

  9. Is there a way to delete my forum account? Had enough with all these attacks

  10. So much people online

    1. RadioactivePotato


      Loooooo..... wait no ._.

    2. FirestarteR93


      every admin's "dream"

  11. Since skyradio only haves Christmas music I can't wait for the snow in MP :)

  12. Hopefully my computer doesn't crash today... Last night was bad :L

    1. general_beunhaas


      maybe you gotta take a look at it???

  13. Can't wait for the first Skoda Superb convoy :)

  14. I want to thank everyone for the convoy! Really enjoyed it
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