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Raging Duck

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About Raging Duck

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  • American Garage Location
    California: Fresno
  • EU Garage Location
    Belgium: Brussels

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  1. Hi DJ Ccowie, Thanks for the confirmation. That answers my question.
  2. Looked over countless of similar questions but half the answers say yes, half say no. Is it possible to use a mod that changes the engine sound of a specific truck (say a Kenworth 900) and use it in multiplayer without getting banned or kicked?
  3. Ah, I see haha. I just thought it must be a different issue since I could see others playing. Guess we'll have to wait for the update then
  4. Huh, this is weird. So some of us are having this issue, while others are currently in the game?? No idea what's happening here my friend. Downgrading is not possible since you cannot select a specific game version. If you go to Steam>ATS Properties>Betas, you can select the third option down, but that is only, which is too old. So neither upgrading or downgrading works, yet others are currently playing?
  5. So up until last night I was playing normally with no problems. Today I tried to launch ATS MP and it gave me an error saying that I need to downgrade. My current ATS is up to date (version, and as you can see from the pic I am opted OUT of any betas. I tried manually reinstalling and downloading the newest ATS mod file, but it still gives me the error.
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