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Veteran Driver VII
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About WiKi_KiKi

  • Birthday 11/20/1995

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Birmingham

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Community Answers

  1. Happy Birthday! I wish you a pleasant game!

  2. Staff only convoy? Prepare for rampage on the roads...
  3. -1, 110 is the happy medium between players who want 90 kph and those who want to go a little faster. If you want more speed, simply use EU 2.
  4. -1, if you really hate the rammers, play single player until you have a bit more money to afford on repair bills.
  5. Muting players could possibly antagonize them into doing things much worse, such as ramming and blocking. I like the current methods, and I rarely see expletives used in the chat.
  6. I like being a part of a company. The multiplayer roads can be long and lonely, having company convoys make everything much more enjoyable. Plus - if you dislike the company structure/process, just leave. You're not tied in to it or forced into anything, so give it a try and see what you think.
  7. -1. Anyone can drive to a destination, the challenging part is the parking. I remember my friends first attempt at reversing, it took him over 20 minutes to park - but once he did it he felt very accomplished and proud.
  8. The problem is I don't understand your suggestion. What is your native language? Perhaps someone who speaks it can show up and help translate it.
  9. This is pretty tricky to understand. Can you try rewording it? Also before a moderator tells you off, edit your post so it fits this layout:
  10. I highly recommend you record/stream when you play, either using Fraps or OBS. Then you can submit a report via the website with video evidence, which will almost guarantee the offenders get a ban. Alternatively, give Name's Europort Survival guide thread a read.
  11. There are companies in ETSMP, however they are mainly for tracking your jobs and statistics. If this interests you, you can look for one here and read about the process of joining one. As for your other suggestions, make a topic on the official forum
  12. Might be a bit of a tangent, and if so feel free to remove, but the current rules aren't that clear. 'Aggressive behavior' is very dependent on the person reading it, same for 'useless content' and 'posts which are only to increase post count'. So I don't think the 'long posts' rule not being clearly defined is too much of an issue.
  13. I agree and disagree - for short messages (1-3 sentences long), quoting the post does not take up much space so IMO, should be allowed. But if the reply is a paragraph, or includes pictures, then the rule should stay. So perhaps the rule can be reworded to say something like "Do not quote long posts or replies that contain an image".
  14. I had the same loading issue earlier today. Restarting my computer fixed my problem, so I would suggest trying that if you haven't already.
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