Suggestion Name: Add a auto kick zone on the D-C road for cars
Suggestion Description: I believe that there should be a car auto kicker on the D-C road, this is because, it is already to busy and there is no reason for the cars to be traveling down that road.
Reason 1: 2.18 Reckless Driving - Overtaking into oncoming traffic making them swerve and cause damage to there load.
Reason 2: 2.21 Freeroam and Non Collision Servers, Inappropriate Overtaking, 2.12 Useless traffic in excessively high population areas, 5 Overtaking - All of them rules are broken! In my eyes I never see an admin policing that area!
Why should it be added?: This should be add to reduce the population on the C-D road. I know there is the point of 'well you just shouldn't travel down the road' however, its a rule!! 2.12 Useless traffic in excessively high population areas and it isn't policed! It will stop so many collisions! I often drive my car but I never going in high populated areas. I personally don't think it is very fair, its and rule and needs to be policed and it isn't. I understand that there might not be many admins but surly there some always be at least 2 patrolling the D-C road.