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Veteran Driver VII
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About Euro_Trucker

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  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam

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Community Answers

  1. Hi. I have found for some reason it was the graphic card needed to be reconfigured to ETS2, no idea why one was ok and the other wasn't, but it's fixed now.
  2. Why does the sound on truckers mp no longer mute on my headphones since the recent updates? It's fine in single player, but on multiplayer even if I press mute the sound just remains.
  3. Why does the sound on truckers mp no longer mute on my headphones since the recent updates? It's fine in single player
  4. How do we get the Adaptive Cruise Control and Emergency Braking System to work in TruckersMP?
  5. They were it was clear that wasn't a permanent change give how ridiculous it was. The C-D road is now back to its proper layout
  6. I trust the new road layout on the C-D road is an April fool? It's worse than the old one for jams!
  7. Well. That was an interesting Operation HQ Event trip ?
  8. Suddenly stopped working this afternoon it was fine earlier seems to be no way of getting to
  9. All sorted thanks to @Mirauu. for guiding me to the DLC pack
  10. Thank you. I shall take a look.
  11. I am on about an LED style beacon bar rather than the default one. Loads of trucks have them installed, but I don't know how it's done
  12. Hi. I have seen lots of trucks in Truckers MP with flashing LED Orange beacon bars/lights such as the one below. How is this done?
  13. Server connection keeps dropping since an update this afternoon
  14. Horn doesn't work, no rain sounds in the cab, engine switch on sounds randomly appearing
  15. The MOD is broken don't try and travel to the service station you won't be able to drive again unless you Ctrl, Alt and Delete out and reload
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