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About Josip189

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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Kiel
  • Known languages
    Croatian, English, German, Italian

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  1. Hey guys, thank you for the answers. I've ordered myself 32GB of RAM and an SSD where I'm going to download the game and the extension, so I will take a look at how that's going to work out for me. Glad that I was not that far away from the right answer, as confirmed by both of you. If the crashes persists (which I don't think will after the upgrade), I'll take a look at my processor and graphics card eventually. Once again, all the best and the moderator can close the topic. Best regards,
  2. Dear friends, I have got GTX 1660 6GB, Ryzen 5 2600x and 8GB of RAM. I can play the base game on high settings and with a few mods with very small amount of problems, I have only got micro stuttering, and I have read that that’s because of my 8GB of RAM. My question is - does the same apply to the multiplayer? I checked the task manager and my GPU and CPU were running „normally“ while my RAM was at 90% and more, and as soon as I approach few players, my game starts micro stuttering and freezes, then sometimes finally crashes and I have to restart my PC. I have tried lowering the settings (even though recommended settings are High or even Ultra) and rendering distance, but it still happens. Is it time to upgrade my RAM? Is the RAM one that’s supposed to load the maps and other players or is it any other component? I mean I think it is the RAM because even when I lowered the settings and everything, I still have had micro stutter and lagging. I am aware that 8GB of RAM is low in almost 2025, but I just need to know if it’s only my RAM causing this issue or should I also upgrade my processor or graphics card (even though I can play many games on high settings, while I get micro stuttering in all of them) Really want to solve this issue once and for all because it’s so annoying to me and I got the resources to upgrade my PC, I just don’t know if it’s the RAM that’s causing this huge issue. Thanks in advance and I wish you successful and happy New Year
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