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Nyrociel [GER]

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About Nyrociel [GER]

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  • Preferred Trucks
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  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Flagstaff
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Mannheim
  • Known languages
    German, English, Spanish, French

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  1. @Angel . thank you for your follow! ❤️

  2. Its so nice to see that so many answered to my topic and gave a feedback to me. Thank you all!
  3. When I drive ETS our ATS i am hearing to german radio like "Antenne Bayern" or "RTL", because i love radio music and because of the news every single hour, so you stay also informed about the world.
  4. Congrats for beeing a GM now! ❤️‍🔥

  5. @Maxi. thank you for your follow 💞

    1. Maxi.


      Thank you also! :HaulieLove:

  6. thanks for following! ❤️ 

    1. Nyrociel [GER]

      Nyrociel [GER]


      You're welcome and thank you back 💕

  7. I am fascinated by the beautiful country roads in the DLCs of Greece and the Western Balkans. I also like to look for the best spots to take perfect photos at sunset.
  8. @User_5473085 I absolutely agree with you. However, my intention was not to relocate the CD route, but rather to draw the attention of people who love these types of roads and landscapes. Have fun exploring it later.
  9. Dear TruckersMP Community, It was actually a coincidence that I took this route. But even after the first few kilometers, I was totally enthusiastic about the route. People who like winding roads and have always enjoyed riding the famous Duisburg-Calais route should love this route even more. Route details at a glance: length: 550 kilometers Petrol stations: 4 The route is much better landscaped and has some nice bridges, tunnels and tight and sharp bends. In addition to the route, I have attached some nice pictures of the route. I hope that this route will be used a lot at some point, it definitely deserves it! ~Nyrociel
  10. For me the best this year was to join a new VTC and to find lots of new friends there!
  11. Bunların hepsi kulağa çok hoş geliyor. Size de harika bir 2025 diliyorum!
  12. Kirkenes (Norway) -> Nuuk (Greenland) [ProMods] Bilbao (Spain) -> A Coruna (Spain) Dover (England) -> Tórshavn (Faroe Island) [ProMods] I hope there are some nice routes for you here
  13. Best RM on TruckersMP, congratulation my friend 😊

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