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About CemTicher

  • Birthday 06/02/2005

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  • Location
    Frankfurt am Main
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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Frankfurt am Main
  • Known languages
    German, English, Turkish

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  1. Hi ToastedKebab, Your idea of having a real-time map in the game sounds interesting and could offer some great benefits, like avoiding traffic, finding convoys, or meeting up with friends easily. However, there are a few points to consider: 1. Distraction while driving: Using a live map during gameplay could easily distract players and increase the risk of accidents. Limiting access to the map while stationary might help address this concern. 2. Performance issues: Displaying 3000–5000 active players on a live map could be demanding on system resources, potentially leading to crashes. It would be essential to ensure the feature is optimized to run smoothly. 3. Usage while stationary: If the map can only be accessed while stationary, players could just use the browser-based live map instead. This raises the question of whether implementing the feature directly in-game is worth the effort. The idea has potential, but there are some challenges that would need to be addressed. Still, +1 from me.
  2. The slow speed would, over time, actually provoke overtaking for some drivers, which unfortunately can't always be prevented. However, if a speed limit were to be introduced, it should not be 60 km/h, but rather 80 km/h.
  3. Hey LynKazoyuu, TruckersMP does not officially support all mods. Well-known mods that are supported include ProMods and, currently during the winter season, the Winter Mod, which you can find here. Best regards, Cem T.
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