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About KaylaMcTear

  • Birthday 11/12/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Gaming, Red Pandas
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Bakersfield
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Manchester
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  1. i have a feeling pro mods themselves are in plans to sort some of proper crossing for the great steppe though it hasn't arrived yet. i would just use quick travel or buy a garage to get over there for now
  2. So I did a bit of research today just out of curiosity of how scs came up with how duisburg is in game. Kinda shocking anyway I found that we could probably add the yellow box with crosses on the middle area that Noah has spoken about. It appears that SCS didn't add an extra traffic light for the people whom are turning left from the highway. Would it be pulesable to remove tmps current traffic light to where it should be in these reference images. I also feel we could maybe block out the second traffic light nearest the turn to help with people who somehow get confused about that single traffic light in the centre when both scs set of lights turn green. removal of this extra traffic light either by one the boards the add on team likes to use around the maps https://ibb.co/JQQJWpM move the current single traffic light to this position https://ibb.co/2kDYpz1 I will also provide the screenshot of how the real life traffic intersection is from google maps https://ibb.co/P4kVwTF
  3. Truckyapp has just released a live map which is already built into the app and also the website https://hub.truckyapp.com/map/
  4. Thanks for your follow! 🩷🩷

  5. Thank for the follow:HaulieLove:

  6. ello, Thank you for the follow! :HaulieLove:

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