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Tiny_Sky last won the day on January 18

Tiny_Sky had the most liked content!


About Tiny_Sky

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  1. Would you like to be friends with me?

  2. My friend! Xiao Chen!@Xiao Chen
  3. Among these pictures, there are photos taken for groups and for individuals. These are my previous pictures and texts. I will share them with you!
  4. Wow, these pictures are cool!
  5. Wow, these pictures are cool!
  6. -------- Participate in public events!
  7. 和我最好的朋友一起开车上路! --------------- Oh, a lot of people! This is the in-house intermodal of our fleet
  8. 欢迎来到我的画廊,希望你喜欢我的作品 ❤ I'd like to share some of the beautiful photos I took in the game! See you on the way! -------- 这是我一直最喜欢的车型 Scania。我一直在游戏中驾驶它!
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