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About r3ecy

  • Birthday May 1

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  • Gender
  • Location
    London, UK
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    New Mexico: Las Cruces
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Venice
  • Known languages
    English, Spanish, Arabic

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  • World Of Trucks

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  1. I agree with the others in saying a second way to leave Duisburg should be to the west as the majority of players are heading for Calais. Personally I think a road should be added heading towards Rotterdam but have it branch off and connect to the C-D road. Therefore, you have a road directly to Rotterdam which helps a ton, but also another way to get out of Duisburg allowing for smoother flowing traffic and hopefully a nice rise in FPS lol.
  2. Ah I see what you mean. Yeah it's possible I guess.
  3. I like the idea but then how would it work. Stopping in the yellow box results in a fine, correct? But in TMP, lets be honest, no one acknowledges fines as they often use accounts with millions of £££ or just simply disable them. So, I see where you're coming from but I don't think it would be at all effective. But who knows...
  4. I will definitely be attending! See you all there.
  5. Looks really cool! Super neat and tidy.
  6. Because some people think that it is a good idea to overtake people through the gas station which is not only just plain stupid but also dangerous for those in the gas station? Not sure. An attempt to stop that from happening. It was so annoying when people tried that...
  7. I can't give an honest review as I do not own it. However, it looks amazing and taking in consideration all of the reviews, it's a great wheel and I am sure you'll have a good experience. Let us know how you get on!
  8. It has to be Opera, it just feels right.
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