Community Answers
TrademarkGamer's post in Cover Photo was marked as the answer
1840 x 500 would be the size that you're looking for.
TrademarkGamer's post in Truckers FM apply was marked as the answer
TruckersFM is not a part of TMP, however, a demo is a short snippet of your presentation skills to show the TFM team how you would sound on air
TrademarkGamer's post in (co-op?) Is there any way to share money/trucks/a company with a friend? was marked as the answer
Not really. There is currently no multiplayer economy in the sense of you can't share money in game. You can, however, join a VTC and complete jobs for them in which the money from the job will be split between you and the company.
TrademarkGamer's post in Forum only Rules Help was marked as the answer
Comments such as "useless content" and "off topic posts" or similar will be hidden. Hidden means forum mods and above will be able to see it, but normal users will not.
TrademarkGamer's post in What does this error mean? was marked as the answer
The post has been deleted, hidden or moved to a location on the forums you can't see.
TrademarkGamer's post in Single Status Not Working was marked as the answer
Go to your profile and follow this thing.
TrademarkGamer's post in Change Forum Display Name was marked as the answer
Log out and then back in. It should change after that
TrademarkGamer's post in I was banned. was marked as the answer
The time of bans is in UTC which is GMT +1
TrademarkGamer's post in Which version do I downgrade to play multiplayer? was marked as the answer
This topic will help you
TrademarkGamer's post in - Convoy not being posted on it? was marked as the answer
You will need to contact the creator directly as it is not a TruckersMP thing. I believe his details are on the bottom of the ets2c site
TrademarkGamer's post in Question after admin rejected my report was marked as the answer
or you can send an email to [email protected] for specific ban feedback
TrademarkGamer's post in Error launching Truckermp mod after yesterday update by SCS was marked as the answer
Right click on ETS2 in your steam library
TrademarkGamer's post in Help with reporting please was marked as the answer
This is a normal error that is known. Put the id there and just continue
TrademarkGamer's post in Website Avatar was marked as the answer
You need to use the e-mail that you used for TruckersMP on gravatar otherwise it wont work
TrademarkGamer's post in still checking was marked as the answer
I checked your steam account you only have 1.5 hrs on ats. You need min 2 hrs
TrademarkGamer's post in ATSMP Not Verifying was marked as the answer
You need to make sure you have the following
Your Steam profile is public You have 2 or more hours on ATS or ETS2 -
TrademarkGamer's post in invention ban problem was marked as the answer
Make a ban appeal
TrademarkGamer's post in I apologize for the offense was marked as the answer
Go here and make a ban appeal.
TrademarkGamer's post in Own music in multiplayer was marked as the answer
Yes you can goto Euro Truck Simulator 2 > Music and put any of your music files into that folder