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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. Glanshon's post in In game time has changed - ATS was marked as the answer   
    This is simply your profile catching up to the server time
    No way to revert it unfortunately but it doesn't affect anything so you should be fine
  2. Glanshon's post in A lot of cash was marked as the answer   
    Hey, @Towy!
    Welcome to TruckersMP
    The first time you sleep, quick travel, use a ferry or F7 + ENTER on a TruckersMP server, your game time will synchronise to the servers game time (which runs non stop, unlike single player time which stops upon pause or exit).
    This results in any drivers you have working a ton of shifts and earning you mega bucks.
    If you're not wanting the money, then you really only have a few options.
    1) Give it to me! (Jokes, that's not possible)
    2) Create a new profile specifically for MP.
    3) Edit your money down with cheat engine.
    I hope this post has helped
    p.s. Moved to Help.
  3. Glanshon's post in Change steam account? was marked as the answer   
    Hello @xXProdude10Xx,
    Unfortunately, we're not able to change the steam profile you've linked to your account.
    I'm sorry for any disappointment this causes.
    Moved to Help section.
  4. Glanshon's post in Adding Euro Truck simulator was marked as the answer   
    Hey @SeptemberTHC,
    I'm sorry that you're having issues adding ETS2 to your TruckersMP account. I can understand how frustrating this must be for you
    After checking your TruckersMP profile, I can see that both ATS and ETS2 have been successfully linked to your account.
    I hope you enjoy playing on our servers without any further issues, however, if there's anything else I can help with, please feel free to let me know
  5. Glanshon's post in My ETS2MP client doesn't launch ! was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Dwerradric,
    Please could you ensure that you have Service Pack 1 installed for Windows 7.
    I hope this is helpful.
  6. Glanshon's post in @BANBYMISTAKE ? was marked as the answer   
    Hey @sikhgamer1,
    @BANBYMISTAKE is used to show that the user was banned by mistake. Our Admins are human and sometimes make mistakes.
    There's nothing to worry about here
  7. Glanshon's post in Fatal Error in Rotterdam was marked as the answer   
    Not a problem at all!
    I hope you have a great weekend and hope that the issue will be resolved promplty
    Locked and moved to solved.
  8. Glanshon's post in can it was marked as the answer   
    Hi @mr_ozzy23,
    Screenshots of drivers blocking roads are acceptable but you would need to submit at least 2 with your GPS on display to show a time difference so that Admins can see it wasn't just a user who was stopped for a second for whatever reason.
    I hope this helped.
  9. Glanshon's post in Games Freezes & Stops was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Shail,
    I'm sorry that your game keeps crashing when you sleep, catch a ferry or use F7 + ENTER.
    If you've not played TruckersMP for a while or at all in the past, then the game will attempt a catch up of your economy as time in TruckersMP never stops moving. This can take a while and sometimes cause you to be stuck at a black screen for some time.
    Please allow (in extreme cases) 5-10 minutes for the game to catch up
    I hope this has helped.
  10. Glanshon's post in Connect to Server(s) through Console? was marked as the answer   
    Hi @ToastinYou
    Unfortunately, the only way to connect to ETS2MP or ATSMP currently is via their respective launchers.
    I hope this helped.
  11. Glanshon's post in Money Glitch was marked as the answer   
    ^ In addition to the above,
    The reason this happens is because time doesn't stop moving in Multiplayer and is more than likely a lot further ahead than your singleplayer game. This will cause all of your drivers total earnings for the skipped period to be added to your save in bulk.
    To counter this, I use separate saves for Singleplayer and Multiplayer. Alternatively, you could sell all of your trucks and dismiss all of your drivers (Not recommended if you want to keep the same profile for singleplayer).
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