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Veteran Driver VII
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Glanshon last won the day on May 22 2017

Glanshon had the most liked content!

About Glanshon

  • Birthday 12/19/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Cardiff
  • Known languages

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53374 profile views

Glanshon's Achievements

  1. Happy Birthday! 🎂

  2. Thanks for follow ❤️ 

  3. It's been a while >_>

  4. Happy birthday mate! ^_^

  5. happy birthday mate wish you have happıness at your new age

  6. Happy birthday! 

  7. Sorry to hear the recent news. 

  8. Hello, I permanent banned from (admin adı). But I didn't do anything for permanent ban. That admin wrote the ban command wrongly. He had to wrote '' ./b 2 d xxx wrongway.'' but he/she wrote '' ./b 2 dwrongway. ''. It was his/her fault. Please do something about that. Thanks 




  9. Due to the personal information the winners are identified by, the information will not be released to the public for their safety. Thanks for understanding.

    1. DJ Lewis

      DJ Lewis

      I can't believe it's been out 6 months already haha :D

    2. Glanshon


      Time flies :P

  11. If you don't call out bad behaviour you are unwittingly giving passive feedback that that behaviour is ok.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. lxl Semper lxl

      lxl Semper lxl

      Easy done I honestly don't worry over ets2 I actually could report nearly 100 players a week if I really wanted to but I only report the deliberate destruction of the game that's all


      In saying that forgot about last nights troll... lol cheers :P 

    3. Peter1999


      I can't see other players

    4. ArEs.


      see I exsigiria more admin by the areas more conflicting and when there is more people and trolls that can make you an accident I think that the player be to play not to be reporting that think the game is once again more a GTAV a simulator is my opinion

  12. 3 hours until the first giveaway is over and the second begins! Who's excited to see what's up for grabs this time? <3

    1. lxl Semper lxl

      lxl Semper lxl

      I already have it so didn't see point in entering but I wish all the entries the best :) really good the TMP Team are doing this shows the community that its all about fun and taking part ;) 

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