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About .Mia

  • Birthday 02/04/2000

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  1. Edge is easier for me
  2. Removed my favorite part, the time/date. Usually I use it to determine how long I've been touring the game and when I should take a break. As for reports, instead of the obvious “report” button, there is now an icon, which I don't think is necessary at all, as there is also one in the list.When you're driving, you don't intentionally scroll through the list, but rather click on the player's vehicle, and then click the “report”. Previous reporting methods will be more visible Adding the mute feature is great, sometimes you hear some strange noises on the CD radio. It doesn't look very good right now, hopefully it will be optimized and “Time/Date” will be added back. Thank you.
  3. Time to get my truck properly modified, looking forward to meeting you guys!
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