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About Goliath_Racer

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  1. Hello, So I have tried to disable "Fake Shadows". Its a bit better but sometimes its still there. Is there any other Method to avoid it?
  2. Hello, in this video you can see the problem. (Its my own video) This is recorded without your tipps, to show you the real problem. Thanks for your help
  3. Screen flashes black in crowded cities/areas. Hello, I have the following problem when I want to play TruckersMP.: When I drive into full cities/or spawn, my screen flashes black. I can see the names of the players, the sound and the UI. I have an Nvidia RTX 3060. Is there a way to fix this? Regards Goliath_Racer
  4. Hello, thank you for your answers! As far as I'm concerned, the topic can be closed because I have all Informations what I need. If you do the closure differently, I'm sorry. It's my first post. Goliath_Racer
  5. Hello, Is it allowed to use Cheat Engine ONLY for more money? I want more, because of other players (crash, ...) I lost much.
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