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Veteran Driver IV
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About PsyGames

  • Birthday 01/01/1997

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  • EU Garage Location
    Norway: Bergen

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  1. Happy Birthday, dear PsyGames!

  2. Happy Birthday PsyGames!!!

  3. i have noticed that truckers mp have not been doning to well with donations as we have lost one of the servers on ATS and i was thinking of ways that yous can maybe give people a reason to donate you the team to support the servers ways such as people donating for garentead slots on the server, donating for access to test server to help the team test new and up coming things different chat colour of chat text on donation amount, some form of forum rank and access to monthly staff convoys. these are some of my ideas and it would really to see these implemented into Truckers MP kind regards PsyGames
  4. hello you can't have custom pain jobs as it will client side only witch would mean every one on ETS2MP would have to have the same pain job and not every one has as good of a computer as others sorry
  5. hello make sure you game is up to date and the multiplayer is up to date as well if this does not work come write a ticket and a support member will get back to you 24 - 48 hours
  6. 1.19x is the version on the game you need to run until they update the multilayer
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