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*CNDS*309-Xiao Yu

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About *CNDS*309-Xiao Yu

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*CNDS*309-Xiao Yu's Achievements


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  1. Hello everyone, I'm from China. I'm very glad to meet all of you in this big family of ETS2. It's also great to play games with you all. I didn't realize that I've been playing ETS2 for almost four years. I started playing this game in 2021. Time flies! Playing this game allows us to learn about the road regulations in Europe. I'm also very happy to get to know all of you. There are only seven days left until the Chinese New Year. I hope all of you can say "Happy New Year" to our Chinese friends.Thank you all.

  2. China DingSheng Racing Team is the second largest team in China. Welcome to China DingSheng Racing Team!

  3. I'm Xiaoyu from China CNDS team 309

  4. 这是我在冰岛拍的照片,我觉得很美,想和大家分享
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